Page 17 - Seniorstoday November 2022 Issue
P. 17
concept to most and relevance till the final the baker’s dozen soon ) touching upon
adieu is the new mantra. Why not? the importance of personal branding and
The other day I came across a person limitless potential and opportunities
posting a pic of himself with Marc in the world stage of social media like
Zuckerberg eulogising Meta, from where LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Twitter, etc.
he had been recently laid off, literally The essential take away is that personal
seeking job from anyone who is on branding or networking is not bad or
LinkedIn. A similar post popped up today negative but increasingly essential for
morning. What is refreshing is that there anyone who wishes to be in any active
is no stigma or depression about being laid profession or business or employment
off, but using the opportunity to brand or who wishes to be an influencer. It is
oneself with relevance and seeking a all about connecting the dots and staying
job. It is a classic case of ‘spray and pray’ connected to get to your goals. While the
where you do multiple things to meet an book is relevant and good in today’s times,
objective, like getting a job or clients or it is unidimensional in its approach and
funding or name and fame or whatever, does not touch upon the psychological or
hoping that you will strike pay dirt behavioural aspects of humans, which
somewhere. would have made it far more interesting.
In this context it would be fertile to While everyone has something or the
imagine the descriptors that may be other to say or will have an opinion on
used by Albert Einstein or Ramanujan everything under the sun, it will always
or Aryabhata or Leonardo da Vinci or be relative and hierarchical. The relevance
Mahatma Gandhi or so many others over cannot be merely based on impressions
eons – people of metier and impact who or likes or shares or whatever, given that
have left an indelible mark with their it has become a social grace of sort to like
scientific or mathematical or life changing posts or share posts or when driven by
discovery or transformational forte and bots and managed posts. Realistically,
force. relevance or influence of a post by most
In a commonly understood parlance, will be relative and limited to family or
brand is a product with an enduring friends or close circles/professional circles.
characteristic, differentiator and a The possible exceptions could be the posts
value proposition that attracts and by leaders of a country like our own PM or
retains consumers. In a crowded and other public persona with a fan following.
commoditised and competitive world, it is
the brand recall that ensures a continuing
demand. It is not just about products alone;
it is about people as well in the current
world of a universalised net and web.
The other day I was at a book launch
(the author is a close friend and a prolific
writer on brands, who recently published
his 11th book titled “All The World’s A
Stage” – am sure he is going to redefine