Page 15 - Seniorstoday November 2022 Issue
P. 15
may prevent or even reverse some of the ageing comes with considerable physical
symptoms of brain ageing and cognitive challenges that can make gardening more
decline , and if they are freshly picked, they difficult and less enjoyable than it should
are also considerably higher in beneficial be. Seniors who are vulnerable to isolation
nutrients than those you would buy in the and loneliness will find gardening is a
supermarket! great hobby to connect with yourself.
While gardening lets us connect with There are endless amount of gardening
people, it also lets us connect with the earth clubs within your area where you could
and give us some grounding. Feeling your meet and discuss the nuances of moisture
hands through the soil while tending to in the weather and how it could affect the
seedlings, leaves a sense of satisfaction soil where who have attempted to grow
that’s hard to match with material things. roses or potatoes. Through gardening and
It is also a way to get in touch with our working with nature, we learn the art of
health and awareness of the foods we eat. patience and acceptance. We have to wait
Research has shown that gardening flowers, for things to grow but we have to nurture
as well as growing herbs, fruits, berries, them too, and realising Mother Nature is
and vegetables, has a positive effect on our unpredictable teaches us to accept what is
psyche and well-being. beyond our control.
If you live in an apartment, there are lots This does not mean we give up because
of ways to get creative with gardening. through gardening we put in our best
Planting microgreens and potted plants on efforts and then let nature takes it course.
your balcony is an ideal way to renovate Gardening promotes a growth mindset
your small outdoor space. Or make use of because we are learning every day what
windowsills to add life and colour with works and what doesn’t. We aren’t all
indoor herbs or vegetable plants. To put born with botanical knowledge, so it is a
the right plant in the right place is an ideal peaceful and fulfilling way to learn and
solution. A garden has unlimited potential practice through trial and error. Gardening
and you can choose an informal or formal lets us experiment with creativity and we
design. So, if you have an outdoor garden or can do this alone or with our families. In
live in an apartment, either way, gardening fact, it is the best way to spend real quality
is a therapeutic activity for our minds and time with those you love without the noise
bodies. It helps lift the spirits and enhance and distraction of the TV or the Internet.
the feeling of healing. Some ornamental While gardening, by itself, does not prevent
plants like bonsai can be very engrossing illness, it contributes to a healthy lifestyle
understanding what to cut and when is also like no other hobby we can think of.
important so also the moisture in the soil Gardening ensures you are present in the
whereas cacti virtually require only fresh moment, concentrating on hope and life,
air. so we can for just a few minutes, take our
Young or old, healthy or struggling minds away from any anxiety or stress that
with mobility gardening is beneficial for you are all currently facing. Finding refuge
everyone. Even the fittest bodies change in your yard can be grounding, calming,
with age. For younger people, gardening and healing! So what are you waiting for?
may seem like a pretty basic activity, but Grab your tools and get in the dirt!