Page 16 - Seniorstoday November 2022 Issue
P. 16
Brand You
May, Brag
You May
As does any brand, we also have a limited shelf life of relevance and it is
best to get off personal branding before that expiry date, write Nagesh Alai
Social media is a rich and rife democratised “Visionary and versatile Strategic
profiling platform for anyone who wants Innovation Advisor.”
to be seen or heard and the variety of self- “Thought Leader, Mentor and Writer”.
descriptors to differentiate oneself makes Every person has a right of unique identity
for a fascinating read. You just have to and specific identifications and no one
scour it to see what I mean. Sample these. else has the right to question it or judge
“Media Maven, Creative Thinker, it. That is what makes it all interesting to
Traveller, Foodie, Happiness Evangelist, an avid observer. It will be evident to any
Trend Setter, Founder, Humanity is my intelligent reader that except for one, who
religion.” may have founded a start-up, the rest have
“Getting people & companies from Good superannuated from a past work life and
to Great, Board Member, Advisor, Coach, have now moved on to do something else
Mentor.” on their own and trying to stay occupied
“Rainmaker, Creative Entrepreneur, and relevant in some productive form
Brand Strategist, Ethnographer, Market during the “vanaprastha” stage of life.
Researcher, Cultural & Community Chair is a curious thing – it is full of spikes
Anthropologist, Pain Consultant.” and splendour when we occupy it, but
“Talks about God’s own country, loves sorely missed when we don’t – right or
advertising, tell Stories, Gourmand, loves wrong, identity is linked to the chair in
travel, God’s own Das.” most minds. Nirvana is a past ‘shelf life’