Page 14 - Seniorstoday November 2022 Issue
P. 14
having to follow a boring routine Tending with fruits and vegetables grown by you
to your garden will benefit your immune and you would consume more of your
system in several ways. First off, digging homegrown fruits and vegetables. What
and weeding exposes you to healthy does this mean for you? Well, obviously,
bacteria that live in soil, giving your you get all the health benefits associated
immune system a much-needed tune up. with increased fibre intake (digestive
Secondly, gardening helps inhibit chronic health, lowered cholesterol… the list goes
inflammation (immunity’s worst enemy) on).
by preventing vitamin D deficiency and But, as if that’s not enough, the food you
keeping stress levels at bay. grow is also the freshest food you can eat,
Regular, safe exposure to a healthy meaning that it’s the best possible supply
amount of sunlight helps your body of vitamins, minerals and… antioxidants.
synthesize adequate amounts of vitamin In case you didn’t get the news yet,
D. This serves to increase your levels antioxidants are known to support brain
of calcium (a mineral essential for bone health and prevent oxidative stress to brain
formation), which, in turn, benefits your cells.
bones. Recent studies indicate that antioxidants
may not only prevent, but sometimes even
reverse some of the symptoms of age-
related changes in brain function.
Helps you eat healthier
There is a certain sense of joy in eating
fruits and vegetables grown by you be it
the humble, dhania, pudina there is a joy Keep your brain healthy
of eating the stuff you have grown. Let’s For those of us who want to keep their
not forget that if you get serious about brain young and healthy and reduce the
gardening, you’ll get to eat all the fresh risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s, choosing
veggies, fruits and herbs that you grow. gardening for a hobby seems to be an all-
And, if you’re eating what you’re growing, around amazing idea.
you are almost inevitably consuming more Not only is gardening a great way to get
fresh produce than you would otherwise! regular exercise (which improves blood
Upping your intake of nutrients and fibre flow and, in turn, memory), it also reduces
helps reduce the risk of chronic disease, the odds of cognitive decline thanks to the
improve immunity, and even promote mental stimulation and stress relief that it
weight loss. can provide. Besides, studies show that a
It is obvious that home gardens are filled diet rich in home-grown veggies and fruits