Page 18 - Seniorstoday November 2022 Issue
P. 18

Come to think of it, Kailash Satyarthi,          play or a craving to be someone that one
          the Nobel Prize awardee, may be present           cannot be. Let us face it, all of us cannot be
          and have 100 K followers, most of whom            a Rama or a Krishna or an Alexander or a
          will be in the NGO space wanting to learn         Guru Nanak or a Gandhi or an Einstein or
          from him or be inspired or hold it, even          a Ramanujan.
          wannabes. At the other end, you may have            Taking a leaf out of ancient Vedantic
          Abhijit Banerjee/Esther Duflo combo of            texts, Vishwamitra, the renowned king
          Economics Nobel Prize winners who are             turned rishi, had to morph and transform
          not present on social media, but are and          thought and behaviour a zillion times
          remain as relevant as ever in the field of        before he could become a Brahmarishi (
          economics.  Kailash Satyarthi would be            the highest class of rishis or sages who
          no less relevant if he abstains from social       have understood the meaning of Brahman
          media nor will Banerjee/Duflo be more             and have attained enlightenment ) . His
          relevant by being present on social media.        entire life was spent on evangelising and
          Their importance or relevance is social           profiling ( branding in today’s terms
          media neutral. At the same time, there            ) himself and either trying to beat or
          are cases like Ramanujan, the renowned            be better than the much revered Sage
          mathematician, who was unassuming and             Vasishta, who was instrumental in
          understated while discovering daunting            making him renounce his kingdom and
          mathematical equations and theorems,              tread the spiritual path in the first place.
          but did not get due credit for his brilliance     Vishwamitra finally made the grade and
          during his lifetime and was discovered            extolled in the Vedas and other scriptures
          only years after his premature death.             and earned an exalted position amongst
          But then, there was no internet or social         the cosmic ‘saptarishi’ ( big dipper or
          media in those times doing the rounds             ursa major in astronomical terms ) along
          of inveterate dissemination of news or            with Vasishta. On a related good-to-
          newsmakers.                                       know basis, Vishwamitra founded the
           Some deeper dive into the social media           Gayatri mantra, one of the most powerful,
          presence and activities would possibly            highly revered and chanted mantras in
          bring alive the mimetic theory of desire,         Hinduism.
          derived from the philosophical concept  of          Personal branding is good, but self-
          mimesis ( meaning mimicry or imitation )          serving. If it helps you meet your ordinate
          , propounded by the French historian and          and superordinate purpose in life, by all
          philosopher Rene Girard. The theory is            means go for it hammer and tongs. But
          essentially about people imitating models         be circumspect in descriptors or posts
          who endow objects with value. Humans,             for there is a thin line between personal
          generally do not know what to desire. As          branding and bragging personified. As
          a result, we look up to others to make up         does any brand, we also have a limited
          our minds. The likes or comments on any           shelf life of relevance and it is best to get
          post or for that matter following someone         off personal branding before that expiry
          or the other, in a way, is reflective of this     date. The world will continue to be a
          theory. On a different dimension, this            stage no matter the players, no matter the
          could well mean that there is an envy at          audience.

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