Page 26 - Seniorstoday November 2022 Issue
P. 26
also has high calcium content. Calcium is It generally affects women more than men.
necessary to process melatonin, which in It’s also common in elders.
turn helps regulate the sleep cycle. Insomnia could be short-term- lasting
You can add nuts and fruits to it for added from a few days to a few weeks. The causes
benefits. are usually stress or hormone related.
Some people, however, suffer from chronic
Drinks that soothe insomnia, a condition that can persist for
Chamomile tea months and years, eventually affecting
One of the traditional remedies for their health.
insomnia, chamomile is believed to be What causes it?
rich in a flavonoid called apigenin, which To pinpoint a specific cause is difficult.
helps us sleep better. It is said to reduce However, a number of things can
depression too. A cup of hot chamomile contribute to insomnia.
tea before bedtime can be a very relaxing Stress or anxiety
nighttime ritual. Sleeplessness due to stress is common, and
Warm milk can keep you up at night. Trauma, a tragic
Not only is milk rich in melatonin, it also event, financial difficulties can all become
has high levels of calcium and tryptophan, the cause for insomnia. The condition
all of which promote good sleep. gets aggravated by people stressing about
Of course, it’s possible that the age old the sleeplessness itself, often associating
belief of warm milk leading to peaceful and bedtime with wakefulness.
restful sleep is what works. In any case, a Anxiety and difficulties at work, health
glass of warm milk at bedtime can be quite problems are also likely triggers for
effective. insomnia.
Cherry juice Inconsistent routine
Besides being a rich source of melatonin, Having an inconsistent bed time, taking
serotonin and potassium, cherries also long naps during the day or, sometimes,
have a high content of anti-oxidants even getting too tired can all led to
polyphenols. Studies have found a positive insomnia.
relationship between polyphenols and The bedroom environment
sleep. Loud noise, bright lights, a very warm or
It’s also said to reduce swelling and pain cold room can cause insomnia.
post exercise. Lifestyle
Passion flower tea Shift changes at work, frequent long
Passion flower tea is another one of the flights or those across time zones can cause
traditional sleep remedies. Its high content insomnia. Indulging in caffeine, alcohol or
of apigenin helps relax and soothe the recreational drugs just before bedtime will
brain by producing GABA, which inhibits also affect your sleep pattern.
glutamate, a stress inducing chemical. Medication
Insomnia Certain medicines like steroids, anti-
A common disorder, insomnia could mean depressants, NSAIDS, beta blockers can
difficulty sleeping, waking up frequently at either cause or aggravate insomnia.
night or feeling unrested on waking up Health conditions –