Page 31 - Seniorstoday October 2022 Issue
P. 31
with composer Hanif Shaikh and singer
Lalitya Munshaw, besides the album Bliss –
Reiki Healing.
A popular album is Vanraj Bhatia’s
Indian Meditation Music, which has four
tracks themed around stilling the body,
sense withdrawal, concentration and
contemplation. Flautist Ronu Majumdar’s
Music For Pranayam has also had a great
response. Sitar player Pandit Shashank Katti
has specialised in music therapy and his
album Garbhankur for expectant mothers box for some popular releases in the genre.
and the foetus has often been recommended. Once one has chosen the music, there
Among western instruments, the piano, are a few basic things to follow. Experts
violin, cello and light saxophone also help in say one may keep aside a specific time,
relaxing the mind. lasting at least 20 minutes. In a study on
Besides instrumental music, there are music for meditation, researcher and stress
many chant-based series. While the management expert Elizabeth Scott says
streaming platforms have many Osho- it is important to get into a comfortable
themed releases and Buddhist chants like sitting position and relax, stay focused on
‘Om Mani Padme Hum’, there is an entire the music, and continue with the practice till
Art of Living series featuring artistes time runs out.
Bhanumathi Narasimhan, Sahil Jagtiani, Scott says one may begin with shorter
Rishi Nityapragya and Vikram. Then, there tunes, and then slowly go in for longer ones.
are classics like M.S. Subbulakshmi’s ‘Sri One can even time one’s practice with the
Venkatesa Suprabhatham’, whose effects number of songs chosen, and thus have a
are miraculous when played early in the rough idea when to stop.
morning. Listeners have many options on types of
music, and with albums easily available
on the streaming platforms, one can easily
discover newer tunes. However, barring
instances like Ravi Shankar’s Chants Of
India, Jasraj’s Gayatri and the thematic
albums of Chaurasia, there has been little
Often, the choice of chants depends on organised advertising and promotion of
a person’s individual musical choice and such releases. Very often, albums are just
requirements, be it the philosophy behind released without any buzz, and listeners
the music, or the choice of instruments. It discover them while browsing or through
is also said that forcing yourself to listen word of mouth.
to relaxation music that irritates you can In the end, one can always find the most
increase tension instead of reducing it. Very suitable music and enjoy the benefits of
often, one may experiment between different meditation. A little ‘self-time’ with soothing
styles, and one can refer to the accompanying music can always brighten up the day.