Page 29 - Seniorstoday October 2022 Issue
P. 29


         The magic of meditative music

         Music has healing powers. It has the ability to transport a person out
         of themselves for a few hours. Narendra Kusnur unravels the immense
         varieties of music and musical instruments that can help you attain inner

         IT’S been 25 years since sitar maestro             and helping people with ailments, whereas
         Pandit Ravi Shankar released Chants Of             others contain pleasing instrumental
         India, which consisted of Vedic and other          music played on santoor, bansuri, sitar
         Hindu prayers set to music. Produced by            or sarod. There are also Zen meditation
         former Beatle George Harrison, the album           melodies and music created by followers of
         was a resounding success, often used while         specific movements like Osho and Art Of
         meditating. In a similar category, vocalist        Living. All these are broadly clubbed under
         Pandit Jasraj and his nephew Rattan Mohan          spiritual music, and labels like Times Music,
         Sharma released Gayatri in 1999. Themed            Saregama India, Music Today. Strumm
         around the iconic prayer, it became a must at      Spiritual and T-Series have regularly put
         many homes.                                        out such albums.
          Over the years, many albums have been              Over the past few months, there has been
         released in India to aid meditation and help       a sudden rise in such releases, either as
         listeners attain peace of mind. While some         albums or as songs. Some of these are based
         have used the ancient texts, others have           on new concepts. To begin with, there
         had themes revolving around different              is Aakasha, blending new age, ambient,
         practices or instruments. Some have focused        chant and meditation music, and using
         on music therapy aimed at reducing stress          the Gayatri Mantra as a motif. Featuring

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