Page 26 - Seniorstoday October 2022 Issue
P. 26
It’s festive time, but wait
my skin needs help!
Deepa Desa shares some skin care advice to help you through the festive
Diwali ushers in the official party season. and itchy. Safe to try; Inscinn – hemp seed
One which continues all the way into early oil and neem, or Forest Essentials –saffron
2023. This also means it’s officially time to and neem cleansers. Even if you skip all
dust the cobwebs off the corners (read: self- other skin care steps, a good cleanser and
care and home care). Whether you decide moisturiser will reap kind rewards to your
to pull a game of poker or sashay to endless skin.
parties, let’s get you feeling and looking
your best!
If you don’t like the idea of being injected
by a dermat, or are as disappointed with
“parlour facials” as I am, then look no
further than two or three products to help
you get that glow and zing to your skin
which will last longer than a mediocre
Man or woman, it doesn’t make a
difference – you need to cleanse your skin As a daily routine, for at least three
every day. Like proper cleansing, with a months, use good quality products that
gentle cleanser, preferably cream or oil- deliver nutrients into your epidermis. The
based, this is because our ageing skins weather has taken a turn. Dry polluted
deplete sebaceous glands leaving us dry air, the hallmark ambience that defines