Page 30 - Seniorstoday October 2022 Issue
P. 30
singer Monica Ryan, arranger Keerthy Tellefsen and the Global Symphony. On
Narayanan, producers Mia Moravis and the traditional front, there is a fantastic
Siddhant Bhatia, flautist Pravin Godkhindi, rendition by 10-year-old Nivedita
mandolin player U. Rajesh and spoken word Padmanabhan, with Narayan Mani
performer Gregg Braden among others, on veena. Also using chants is ‘Global
the album released by Resensitize Records Primordial Beat’ by American musician Jai
contains 11 meditative tracks. Uttal, known for his east-west fusion based
on Indian mantras and kirtans.
CLEARLY, the field of meditative and
In a similar vein, but not using Indian chant-based music is very large. According
chants, sarod players Amaan Ali Bangash to a study conducted by the University of
and his brother Ayaan have teamed up Nevada, Reno, “Native American, Celtic
with producer Kabir Sehgal on Sand And and Indian stringed instruments, drums
Foam, inspired by the works of Lebanese- and flutes are very effective at relaxing the
American writer Khalil Gibran. As the mind even when played loud”. The study
album “aims to take listeners on a musical says that sounds of rain, birds and nature
voyage, while exploring narratives of are also relaxing, besides light jazz, easy
identity, belonging and self-discovery” it listening and certain slow-paced movements
belongs to the broader genre of positively- in western classical music.
inspiring music. The same is the case of In India, certain instruments have been
Mantram, an album by sarod legend Ustad promoted to help stress management.
Ali Akbar Khan’s son Alam Khan, who Pandit Shivkumar Sharma’s santoor has
uses mantras on loop or as seed phrases. been a favourite, and thematic albums
The sound, however, is very new age and like Upanishad Amrit, Antardhwani and
contemporary. There’s also the album Mountain Breeze are recommended, though
Timeless, in which German singer Deva one can listen to any raag played by him
Premal and British musician Miten have to feel serenity. His son Rahul Sharma as
been inspired by mantras. released the albums Zen and The Yogi in
Among singles, there have been two a similar space. Bansuri maestro Pandit
releases of the famous ‘Algiri Nandini Hariprasad Chaurasia has played on albums
Strotram’. Singer Kavita Krishnamurthy like Music Therapy For Motivation And
has released the video of an earlier live Rejuvenation and Dhammapada, based
performance composed by violinist L. on the teachings of Buddha. His nephew
Subramaniam and featuring violinist Arve Rakesh Chaurasia has released Jal Shanti