Page 28 - Seniorstoday October 2022 Issue
P. 28

A note on exfoliation                               Just make sure you keep your skin
         Exfoliation is the removal of dead                 healthy and nourished on a daily basis by
         cells from the skin’s surface.                     drinking good quantities of water.  Give
         This process helps amplify the                     your skin a treat once in a way, by using
         effectiveness of the serums and                    a face mask -— the sheet ones are user-
         moisturiser you apply after deep                   friendly -— with hyaluronic acid to hydrate
         cleansing. Less is more with senior                or Vitamin C to brighten and firm,as the
         skin and exfoliation. Our skin gets                latter works on your collagen levels, which
         dry, sensitive and more delicate as                in turn strengthen and firm up your skin.
         we age. Excessively scrubbing your                 And even if you think there are too many
         skin will deplete your skin’s barrier              (lines and wrinkles), so what? Become a
         and oil production, leading to more                master at wearing your age gracefully.
         sensitivity and redness and even                    You know by now that the best products
         microtearing of the skin tissue. If                in the world will help only superficially,
         you want to know how to effectively                if you’re not taking care of yourself
         exfoliate your face, visit your skin               holistically. Exercise helps circulation
         care specialist or dermatologist                   and keeps your skin looking fresh. Keep
         to discuss controlled options. A                   yourself in a positive mindset by using
         professional can recommend a                       chants, music, yoga, meditation, friends
         chemical ( peels) and mechanical                   and habits that make you truly happy.
         ( microdermabrasion) exfoliation                   Disconnect from people and situations that
         treatment that best meets the needs                are toxic and bestow a nagging discontent
         of your skin. How often should you                 to your being.
         exfoliate your face? Treatments                     Keep your calm. Laugh a lot. Eat well.
         should be scheduled once a month or                Sleep deeply.
         bi-monthly at most.                                 Repeat.
                                                             Now check your skin in the mirror!

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