Page 38 - Seniorstoday October 2023 Issue
P. 38

high content of Vitamin C, which is proven         cantaloupe, which is simply called “melon”
         to reduce the risk of stroke by regulating         in many languages. The fleshy orange
         the cardiovascular system. Lemons also             fruit is not only a refreshing treat on a
         allow better absorption of iron, an essential      hot day, but it also has an impressive
         element for the body for almost every              nutritional profile too. Cantaloupe is high
         cellular process.                                  in Vitamin A, which is a necessary vitamin
                                                            for the health of our skin and eyes. Diets
         20. Bananas                                        high in Vitamin A are known to improve
                                                            night vision, meaning that eating more
                                                            cantaloupe could mean safer night driving–
                                                            who knew?

                                                            22. Lychee

         Benefit: Great source of energy
         Bananas are one of the first fruits we’re
         introduced to as children, as they are
         highly palatable due to their high levels
         of carbohydrates, mellow sweetness, and            Benefit: Anti-fatigue
         subtle flavour. They are also incredibly           Lychee is a fruit native to China, and it
         healthy, in moderation of course. The              can only be harvested from November to
         oblong yellow fruit is not only a great            January. The fruit is rarely seen in grocery
         pre-workout snack, but it’s also good for          stores, though once more people find out
         recovery too as its high in potassium–an           about its anti-cancer properties this may
         electrolyte that the body needs to stay            change. Lychee is full of antioxidants,
         hydrated and regulate your heart rate.             helping the body flush out problematic
                                                            mutations that could lead to cancer. It also
         21. Cantaloupe                                     helps fight fatigue due to its high mineral
                                                            content, which helps with nearly every
                                                            bodily function.

                                                            23. Apricots
                                                            Benefit: Protects the eyes
                                                            Apricots are most often enjoyed dried in
                                                            this country, though the fresh ones pack
                                                            even more health properties. The sweet,
                                                            fibreful fruit is rich in antioxidants and
         Benefit: Improves night vision                     crucial vitamins like Vitamin A and
         Another great summer fruit is the                  Vitamin C. Eating them regularly, or

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