Page 43 - Seniorstoday October 2023 Issue
P. 43

that gives them their red color and might          Benefit: Helps relieve constipation
         prevent certain types of cancer. Due to their      Artichokes might seem like an intimidating
         high levels of Vitamins E and C, they can          food to cook or eat if you’ve never tried
         also work wonders when it comes to skin            them before. If you’re willing to take a
         health and staving off other signs of aging        chance on the spiky green vegetable, your
         when consumed regularly. Make sure to eat          body will surely thank you. Artichokes
         them fresh, and especially when they’re in         are high in antioxidants which fight
         season in the summer. And don’t think that         cardiovascular disease, and so much more.
         eating ketchup will cut it.                        In addition, artichokes are an incredible
                                                            source of dietary fiber. If you roast your
         37. Carrots                                        artichokes with olive oil and salt and get
                                                            to work scraping the bits of flesh off of the
                                                            leaves, you’ll be rewarded with a happy
                                                            digestive system.

                                                            39. Celery

         Benefit: Increases strength and growth of hair
         and nails.
         Carrots are a vegetable that contains what is
         called beta carotene, a pigment that brings
         a lot of benefits to your body–or can even
         turn your skin orange if you happen to eat
         carrots at every single meal for a couple of
         months. This antioxidant can slow down             Benefit: Helps with digestion and constipation,
         the aging of our cells and even improve the        provides blood sugar management
         quality of our skin due to its high Vitamin        Celery is a low-calorie food with a lot of
         A content. Carrots also contain a specific         benefits. For one, BBC Good Food says
         type of Vitamin B that promotes hair and           that it can support heart health, blood
         nail growth, making it one of nature’s best        sugar management, and memory. It is also
         beauty products.                                   anti-inflammatory and can make for easy
                                                            digestion. Celery only has fourteen calories
         38. Artichokes                                     per cup, so it is a low-calorie, crunchy
                                                            snack that won’t expand your waistline. In
                                                            addition to the benefits above, celery also
                                                            contains beta carotene, Vitamin C, and a
                                                            dozen additional antioxidants—all in one
                                                            single stalk. Lastly, celery is rich in fiber, so
                                                            if you are struggling with constipation, try
                                                            reaching for the celery before the over-the-
                                                            counter medication.

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #52 | OCTOBER 2023                                                            43
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