Page 30 - Seniorstoday September-2023 Issue
P. 30
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while Acquired Immunity is developed
over the period as we are exposed
to infection or by vaccination or by
receiving antibodies from donor.
In Ayurveda, Immunity is considered
as Ojas or as Bala. Under Immunity
concept, Ayurveda explains about
Sahaj Bala as Natural Immunity, i.e.
right from the birth. Kalaj Bala as Age
related or Season related Immunity,
Yukti Krut Bala as Immunity developed
with the help of Diet, Exercise and
Rasayana Herbs.
Rasayana literally means
Rejuvenation of all body organs.
Rasayana herbs are excellent
Immunity Boosters, many of them are list a few benefits of Giloy Kadha, we
easily available to everyone. We can can mention its antioxidant properties,
add them in our daily regimen and and that it eliminates toxins, boosts
have immunity and longevity bestowed immunity, reduces respiratory problems
upon you. Let’s see five Natural Ways like cough, cold and viral infections.
to boost our Immunity for healthy Just make a kadha of Giloy stem or
ageing - powder (two teaspoons) with 200 ml
1) Turmeric Milk / Golden Milk: The water to boil it until it comes one-fourth
Golden spice, yes Turmeric is called (50ml) and drink it two times. It’s that
golden spice not just because of its simple to follow as a home-based
colour but also because of its health natural remedy to boost Immunity.
benefits. Turmeric as per Ayurveda is
a Rasayana herb. Benefits of Turmeric 3) Amla: Adding Amla to your daily
can’t be just limited to its use as spice. routine is another easiest and really
It is useful as medicine and food one of the best thing to boost your
supplement in variety of diseases and energy and immunity. According to
conditions. Ayurveda, Amla is Rasayana and
Adding half teaspoonful of turmeric helps to strengthen Digestive System,
in glass full of milk is one of the best Respiratory System, Circulatory
method to help your immunity to get System, Reproductive System, Immune
boosted. system and other systems as well.
Scientific documents show multiple
2) Giloy Kadha: Giloy is also known benefits of Amla on Immune System as
as Amruta, which literally means it provides Vitamin C and Flavonoids
Juice of Immortality. Scientifically, it is as Antioxidants. Vitamin C in Amla is
evident that extract of stem and root known to boost immunity. In winter
of Giloy has medicinal properties. To fresh Amla is easily available in market