Page 34 - Seniorstoday September-2023 Issue
P. 34

adequate rest and relaxation, improving
                                                           the mental attitude, attaining a higher level
                                                           of awareness and reducing dependency on
                                                           modern gadgets.
                                                             In most centres every patient receives
                                                           the highest level of care and attention. A
                                                           comprehensive lifestyle advice including
                                                           diet and exercise depending on your age
                                                           and gender are given to every individual
        A herbal oil with kadi patta
                                                           during the stay and at the time of discharge
         Naturopathy Treatment are administered            from the centre.
         to remove the toxins and bodily wastes
         from the body by natural means.                   Detoxifying the Mind
         Commonly used Nature Cure treatments              In naturopathy the approach of treating
         include steam therapy, hydrotherapy               a patient is holistic and preventive. The
         (hip bath, immersion bath, jet sprays),           individual is treated as a whole and not
         enema therapy, massage, acupressure,              just the disease or the affected organ.
         acupuncture, hot and cold fomentations,           Since the body and the mind are believed
         (the basic rule is to use a hot compress          to be interrelated the holistic approach
         on chronic muscle pain and stiffness and          involves healing the mind, body and
         a cold compress on inflammation and               soul by attaining physical and mental
         swelling) shirodhara,                             balance. Thus purifying the mental and
          castor oil pack, steam inhalation, nasyaa        psychological processes is an integral
         etc.  Exercises, physiotherapy and yogic          part of naturopathic treatment. Yoga,
         practices such as sukshmakriya, surya             Pranayam, yogic relaxation, meditation,
         namaskar and some aasanas.                        counselling, affirmations and auto
                                                           suggestions are applied as tools to purify
                                                           and balance the mind.
                                                             Conditions that can be treated by
                                                           Naturopathy are diabetes, high blood
                                                           pressure, obesity, thyroid issues, PCOD,
                                                           constipation, hyper acidity, in digestion,
                                                           arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, low back

        Nasyaa being administered
        Healthy Lifestyle
        Adapting to a healthy and natural lifestyle
        requires adapting to a natural and balance
        diet and eating habits, correct exercise
        regime, regularising daily routines, giving
        up harmful and unhealthy habits, taking

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