Page 10 - Seniors Today - May21 Issue
P. 10
Joy and prayer
We are the gatekeepers of our own joy.
We need to find happiness; unfortunately, of the koel; the fragrance of mud after the
this is not something that one can order first shower. The carpet that the jacaranda
at a takeaway. Happiness is a momentary and the gulmohar spread on the road. We
fragrance, the memory of which lingers see as much beauty as we are prepared to
on; it is the cause of our joy. Moments of see and something need not be perfect to be
happiness at this point show up in the beautiful. Cracks on a cup caused by age,
smallest of ways. While meeting friends or a cracked smartphone viewed from the
is a near impossibility there is a new- right angle with the right attitude, is a work
found sense of togetherness. Technology of art. Discovering old objects, photographs
has united us – Facetime, video calls, live which bring back happy memories. To fight
broadcasts and Zoom have allowed us to depression and anxiety we need to draw our
reconnect with friends and family. own rainbows.
One needs to find joy and beauty in the This is a time for gratitude and
ordinary. The smell of freshly brewed coffee, thanksgiving to all the frontline health
the steam rising from the cup and dancing workers – covid warriors, life-savers, and
in the air. The way a puddle glistens in the key workers – right from the bin collectors,
sun; the flirtation of the pigeons. The call the mortuary staff, the housekeeping staff
and others responsible for keeping the
great clockwork cogs of our society turning.
Nurses and doctors risking their lives
working tirelessly night and day to save
others. Their efforts are a testament to the
human spirit, a silver lining around the
cloud of the coronavirus crisis. Say a prayer
for them also, for their families who send
them to work not knowing how they will
return. And while you are at it call out to
God by whichever name you know; beg for
forgiveness, mercy and benevolence.
For if this is not the wrath of God, what is?