Page 9 - Seniors Today - May21 Issue
P. 9
a certain philosophy that is also your back- on the group just for self-importance and
of-the-mind belief, you identify with this bravado. Beyond the group they wouldn’t
leader and you abandon the values you have the guts to go out and propagate their
have had in the past and engage in extreme thoughts. The bottom line is that political
support of the leader. You often reject the differences and arguments can lead to stress
reality of the situation. Politics becomes a and anxiety. For our own sakes we need to
complex interplay of class, racial, religious find communalities with our friends. Avoid
antagonism aggravated by the social and political discussions; be open to hearing
electronic media. I see this clearly in my a genuine point of view but don’t get too
school group, from being brought up secular bothered about it – this will make it easier to
to being irrationally biased. I was brought tolerate or understand people with different
up with the idea that one should agree to views. If you find it difficult to discuss
disagree. Never discuss politics or religion political issues in a calm and constructive
as it would only lead to an argument, and manner, disengage from the conversation.
may not change the other person’s point of Between Covid-19 restrictions, pandemic
view stats, violence, elections and generally bad
Hate is a virus that spreads faster than the news, it is easy to get caught up in the act
coronavirus. My school group exemplifies of doomscrolling (a word I just discovered)
this maxim. Attacks become more personal – a term used to describe excessive
and vicious. In every group there are a consumption of negativity. Being negative
few participants who post strong political comes easy to us – converse with a group of
messages and by default they become friends on any bad news or negative topic,
opinion-makers in the group. These opinion and each one will have a story. There is also
makers are classified as unique individuals endless amount of negative news that the
and become de facto leaders (lots of wah- media dishes out. The unfortunate part is
wah, well said, kya baat hai). Some group that negativity is addictive and infectious.
members begin to identify with these unique We love to hear stories of sadness,
individuals and feel accountable to them. misfortune, illness etc etc, to the detriment of
They fear that if they were to have a contrary our mental health.
view it would amount to defection, and While it is important to be informed, it
choose to remain silent. is also important to moderate the amount
Strangely, when people know their role in a of news we consume – good, bad or
particular dynamic they predictably play the otherwise. Make a deal with yourself that
part even when doing so is self-destructive. for every negative headline you read or
The propaganda theory that if you lie often political discussion you get into, you will
enough people will believe it, even yourself find something that will tickle your funny
– this is the scary part. At this point you bone. Find humour, comedy or even watch
have to convince yourself that that if the the forbidden stuff. Phone a friend, gossip
iguanas of Papua New Guinea did not mate and maybe attempt something physical
on the full moon night it would make no – cooking, painting, singing, puzzling,
difference to your life. Similarly if xyz wants going for a walk or even tidying up a messy
to follow a certain line of political thinking, corner. Notice how much calmer you feel
good for them. These are mere postings afterwards.