Page 19 - Seniors Today - July 2021 Issue
P. 19
A year ago could one have imagined that
helping someone find that elusive oxygen
cylinder would be a source of immense joy?
Or that helping someone procure a hospital
bed to admit a critically ill patient would
become a major highlight? Or just sending
a box of food for a Covid patient could make
us feel good? As lives got saved, as near and
dear ones recovered and returned home,
Changes for the better as we reached out to people in need, these
For all of us, the last year and a half has simple acts of helping, of giving, brought
been an anxious time, lived under the contentment and we experienced a deep
shadow and dread of the virus, with the sense of happiness.
nagging uncertainty of it all. Despite this,
something strange and beautiful happened.
It was as if nature had commanded us to
pause, to relook at our lives. We began
to appreciate the simpler things in life,
find pleasure in small achievements. We
began connecting better with our families,
appreciating them more. We enjoyed our
togetherness and our bonds deepened. For
the first time we seriously looked at our
wellbeing both physical and spiritual, and It was the pandemic that brought home
many found the opportunity to pursue to me the understanding and the value
it seriously, giving us a sense of inner of the Danish term ‘Hygge’. Pronounced
serenity and health. Regular exercise, ‘hoo-guh’, it means to comfort, or console,
meditation and learning, pursuing hobbies taking pleasure in the small everyday
we never had time to acquire, gave us gentle things of life, in joining loved ones in
a great sense of fulfilment. We got an a relaxed atmosphere, of giving someone a
opportunity to examine our lives, and hug, of bettering the quality of life.
many of us realised how important it was to Things are getting better now, yet the
simplify them, declutter them from all the stresses of the pandemic remain and a
superfluous trappings we had gathered. potential third wave still looms large. In
At the height of its fury, especially during such windows of recovery, negativity often
the devastating second wave that hit us creeps in through in all sorts of ways, and
like a tsunami, not one family was left shedding it is not always easy. Even when
untouched. Loss, grief and panic impacted we try to ward off negative thoughts they
us all in some way or the other. It was keep coming back. And thoughts have a
then we discovered that happiness and direct bearing on our moods. Indulging
contentment can be realised with the in repetitious negative thinking is a sure-
simplest of things, with the most basic of shot path to unhappiness. I have often
activities, with acts of caring and sharing. found that it is smarter to acknowledge