Page 18 - Seniors Today - July 2021 Issue
P. 18




        The pandemic has taught us about a hidden benefit – the simple ways of
        incorporating joy into our daily life, writes Harsh Goenka

         “Don’t Worry, Be Happy…” is that popular           lives, by our obsession with work, money
         1980s song by Bobby McFerrin. Whenever             and all the goals we were chasing, that
         I would hear those lines my reaction would         we didn’t have the bandwidth to notice
         often be - “Easier said than done!” Yet            anything.
         today, through these gruelling 18 months            The pandemic struck. And life as we
         of Covid disasters and hardship, I realise I       had always known it and enjoyed came
         have actually rediscovered happiness.              to a crushing halt. Many of the things
          Just a few evenings ago my heart lifted at        we had built into our flurry of daily
         the sight of a beautiful rainbow appearing         activities – movies, socialising, dining out,
         on the horizon. A brilliant shaft of light         became out of bounds. It was unnatural
         and colour surrounded by dark ominous              compared to our usual routines, and
         clouds, and I found myself thinking                frankly quite unnerving. Initially I was
         this was nature smiling despite the                quite overwhelmed by the enormity of
         encircling gloom. Nature is forever giving         what the entire planet was facing and the
         us messages of hope and joy. “Painting             repercussions it could have, with a million
         for us, day after day, pictures of infinite        ‘what-if’s marching through my mind. And
         beauty,” says John Ruskin. But we were             then, almost imperceptibly, my goal posts
         so consumed by the mad rush of our busy            shifted.

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