Page 20 - Seniors Today - July 2021 Issue
P. 20

those difficult thoughts than suppress             that we tend to fall into is retail therapy. We
         them. Acknowledging your anxieties is              think that by buying something we want,
         half the battle won! The second step is            we will find happiness. That is a fallacy.
         considering the worst-case situation so that       So often, once we acquire that object we
         you know how bad it can really get. Once           were coveting we realise it just brought us
         you evaluate the most dire scenario, you           only momentary happiness, and soon we
         often find that perhaps you were making a          are back to being discontented. In truth,
         mountain out of a molehill. Most problems          what we enjoy are experiences. Having
         will drop away in this first step itself. For      a conversation with someone, especially
         those that remain, by studying the gravity         reaching out to people we have not been
         of the situation, you will be able to find         in touch for long, or helping someone in
         solutions for them. We may reach into              distress resolve a problem, can be truly
         our past experiences and see how we dealt          rewarding to the soul.
         with such situations and how they were              Acts of kindness are the best recipe for
         overcome. In either case, you are working          happiness. It not only makes you happy,
         towards resolving the situation and you            but seeing that smile on someone’s
         will find that negativity will most definitely     face spurs you on to continue to do the
         dissipate.                                         same thing over and over again. People
                                                            in healthcare find great sustenance in
                                                            the service they are rendering, and this
                                                            motivates them to continue. They do not
                                                            seek material rewards or returns and are
                                                            happy helping people, healing people. A
                                                            doctor told me the other day, what fills him
                                                            with joy and keeps him striving to do more
                                                            is so see the smile on his patients’ faces as
                                                            they recover and are discharged. “This is
                                                            the biggest reward I can ever get.”
         Gratitude and kindness
         An important aspect of being happy is our
         self-talk. Despite all your efforts, if you still
         find yourself veering towards negativity,
         try cultivating a grateful attitude. This
         pandemic has taught me I have so much to
         be grateful for. There is one fundamental
         belief that works in favour of all those
         who have a positive attitude. And that is,
         accepting change, knowing ‘this too shall
         pass’ believing that everything happens             An immense source of happiness is
         for the ultimate good’. Another belief that        finding our purpose. And this pandemic,
         holds me in good stead is ‘doing my best,          and our common tragic experiences, have
         and letting God take care of the rest’.            revealed that our purpose is as much the
          As seekers of happiness, one of the traps         simple everyday acts of nurturing each

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