Page 21 - Seniors Today - July 2021 Issue
P. 21
other, being thoughtful and considerate it with the greater good of society and the
to others, as other so-called loftier goals. communities around them. This helps
We live in a world where even talking to create happier organisations. At RPG, we
someone in need of emotional support can have a corporate philosophy that revolves
be a significant act of kindness. Perhaps around Happiness and all our policies are
you may be unsure if you are suited for aligned towards this objective.
providing such support. However, when
we increase our network of support
channels, we will find that there are many
who need precisely the kind of support you
can provide. So do not doubt yourself or
your abilities. We can build in simple acts
of kindness in our day-to-day activities,
and make this a way of life. Ordinary things
such as checking up on colleagues, running
an errand for an older person, giving up a As the pandemic meanders through what
seat in a crowded space, offering to take a we sincerely pray will be its last and final
photo for a couple, sharing your umbrella, leg, there is renewed discussion about
helping someone cross the road … you will the post-pandemic new normal. Should
find these thoughtful acts contributing we return to our workplaces, should we
substantially to your overall happiness. have conferences, should we go back to the
traditional modes of holidaying, should we
Give and be happy reduce eating out, should the typical Indian
Giving is another very important root of weddings be on those massive scales and
happiness. There is a Chinese proverb so on. Whatever the norm that evolves,
that says, “If you want happiness for we should steer it around what makes us
a lifetime, help someone.” Giving is happier.
an ancient practice in India tracing its I leave you with this thought – happiness
origins to the Vedic tradition of Dana. It is a decision. A decision we all have to
centres around cultivating generosity as a make. This pandemic has taught us that
mindset and is done without expectation happiness is not a destination. It is the
of anything in return. It is born out of decision to appreciate and value all that
compassion and empathy and, most we have in life every day – the little things
importantly, love for humanity. When we that we often took for granted. The decision
give, we set off a chain of positive effects to appreciate the beauty of nature around
that benefits not only the direct recipient us. To be grateful for all the loving people
but also others around them, as well as in our lives who help make our lives so
the giver. In the modern world it is not comfortable, The decision to be kind and
only individuals but also businesses and generous, not in terms of merely practicing
foundations that have become part of the charity, but the kindness and generosity
social support ecosystem. Companies are that comes with the spirit of doing and
now going beyond the call of statutory giving without expectation. I hope you will
limits to redefine their purpose, aligning make this decision!