Page 35 - Seniors Today - Vol1 Issue 3
P. 35
Check out on things that may make you trip.
Check for hazards such as rugs, loose pieces of
carpet, uneven floorboards, wires and cables.
Repair or remove potentially dangerous items,
and run wires and cables around the edge
of a room to keep them out of the way. Place
electrical appliances as close to the plug socket
as possible.
Do not climb on a stool.
Try to keep everything at a height you can easily
reach. Do not climb on a stool; it is an activity Watch out for spilled liquids, which can cause you to slip
that is very accident prone. Ensure that all prone position, also do this slowly to avoid
regularly used items are within reach.Install dizziness.
handles or grab-bars in places where you need Alarms.
extra support, such as on stairs, in the bath or Consider wearing a wrist or pendant alarm,
toilet. in case you have a fall and cannot get up. Also,
Level living. if you are alone, have a system where a close
Try to live as much as possible on one level. relative or friend checks on you daily.
By adding stairs or even individual steps, you Diet.
increase the risk of a fall. Make sure you eat foods that are rich in calcium
and vitamin D to keep your bones strong. And
eat regularly to ensure your blood sugar level is
sufficient to avoid light-headedness. Also drink
enough liquids so you don’t get dehydrated.
The risk of falling is a very real one as we
get older, and it is important that it is taken
seriously. If you are worried about yourself or
a loved one, share your concerns with a health
professional, friends and family.
Rugs add to aesthetic appeal but make sure that they are non-slip
No socks or tights.
Don’t walk around your home in socks or tights
as these can be slippery. Try using inside shoes,
slippers or socks with grips on the bottom to
reduce the risk of slipping.
Don’t wear long clothes.
It is very easy to trip over long skirts or trousers
that can catch your heel. Try to wear fitted and
properly hemmed clothes.
Don’t rush.
Falls can often happen when we are rushing
somewhere – to answer the phone or the
door, for example. Take your time when you
are moving around your home. People will Try to avoid having staircases and steps in your home, and keep
understand. When moving from a seated or it on one level
SENIORS TODAY | Volume 1 | Issue 3