Page 36 - Seniors Today - Vol1 Issue 3
P. 36


                                                                    Here’s how to move it

                                                     Try Qigong Tai Chi, a traditional system of movement
                                                                 that spruces you up. By Fatema Rajkotwala

        Feeling tired or drained more than usual lately?       old age with a resigned acceptance. Instead I’d
        Looking at others around you and wondering             like to introduce you to the loveliness of Qigong
        how they aren’t as spent as you and maybe              Tai Chi. If you’ve heard of Tai Chi, you’ll know
        even raring to go for a bout of socialising in         that is a form of martial arts that uses various
        the evening? Unless you have a legitimately            movements for combat and defence. Over
        physically active day, this is not supposed to be      the years though, Qigong was developed as a
        your normal, no matter what your age. I have           form of harnessing and creating energy while
        been rolling my eyes lately each time I hear 30        releasing blockages within our energy channels.
        somethings say, “We’re old now.” I understand          It therefore became widely used by masters
        that office work during our youth is mentally          and common folk to increase their inner
        draining and in our later years, our bodies slow       powerhouse of energy to be able to be stronger
        down but I truly believe that our mental and           and have more reserve energy to share and heal
        emotional age, that is to say, the way we think        those in need. Tai Chi is widely practiced as a
        and feel about ourselves ends up defining how          form of movement-based meditation world over
        we live our lives. If our bodies are in discomfort,    and has been supported by a lot of scientific
        chronic pain or dis-ease, our mind loses its           proof as regards its benefits and capacity to
        willpower to be strong and as the negative self        restore, rejuvenate and realign discrepancies
        talk builds up, we feel older than we probably         that may have developed within the systems of
        need to feel. So, what can be done about this,         the body and mind.
        when we have reached a time in a our journey
        where most physical forms of exercise that can
        help heal and relax the body are not advisable
        but our body is reminding us that we are old
         In some ways the answer comes down to one
        word: Grace. No, I am not sitting here as a young
        person with few odd years of Yoga practice and
        less than half time in life experience, advising
        you to force yourself to bear the real changes of

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