Page 40 - Seniors Today - Vol1 Issue 3
P. 40

Hobbies | Gardening

                                   Healing with herbs

                                    Sheila Jain explains how to grow medicinal plants
                                              easily in balconies and terraces

         Medicine isn’t always found in the pharmacy          can be used in cooking. For treatment of cold,
        – some medicines can be grown in your own             prepare a paste with ajwain and gur (jaggery) by
        home. That’s right, learn about common                heating, and take 2 tsps twice a day. It helps in
        medicinal plants that you can use to heal             reducing belly fat and is good for the liver.
        yourself as well as friends and family. And           3. Ginger.
        these plants can be grown easily in pots, in your
        balcony or terrace.
        1. Tulsi.

                                                              One can plant a piece of old ginger (not the fresh
                                                              one) in a pot, and after a few days leaves will
        It is a small shrub and can easily be grown.          appear.  After a few months you can get fresh
        It is rich in vitamins A, C and K, and also           ginger. It is anti-inflammatory, reduces muscle
        magnesium, calcium and manganese. Rich in             pain, settles the stomach, regulates blood sugar,
        anti-oxidants, it has anti-ageing properties.         can prevent heart disease, and eases menstrual
        2. Ajwain (carom seeds).                              pains.
                                                              4. Garlic.

        Can easily be grown from seeds. It is good for
        hair, skin, and health, and helps in digestion.       It can easily be grown from the garlic pod.
        It is rich in fibre, minerals, vitamins and anti-     Separate the cloves from the garlic and plant
        oxidants. It can be chewed or brewed into tea or      in a pot. Slowly leaves will emerge, and after a

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