Page 38 - Seniors Today - Vol1 Issue 3
P. 38
The seven diet sins
Clinical and Sports Dietitian Kajal Khaturia tells us what to
avoid when eating and drinking, for optimum health
William Shakespeare in his comedy ‘As You mended for some age groups, but for older citi-
Like It’ had written about the seven stages of a zens it a big ‘no’. Risk of raw eggs being contami-
man’s life. Our nutritional trajectory too could nated with bacteria can be leading to salmonella
have seven phases. While infants relish soft infection.
food, there is a carefree abandon in the diet of 5.Unpasteurised milk – Unpasteurised milk
the teenager. But as the numbers of years add breeds and harbours bacteria in higher levels
up, we have to go easy on what we are bringing than pasteurised milk.
to our plate. 6.Soft cheeses like Feta, Brie, Camembert – Soft
cheeses are made from unpasteurised milk
1)Raw foods which breeds and harbours bacteria in higher
The following seven food items are levels than pasteurised milk.
to be avoided to prevent any food- 7.Unpasteurised juices – Unpasteurized juices
borne illnesses in seniors who have contain harmful bacteria which may be detri-
a compromised immune system mental to seniors.
and have digestive disorders.
1.Raw meat – Raw meat (tartare) 2)Crunchy, dry and sticky
and cold cuts such as sausages and foods
salami can contain bacteria such A common occurrence
as salmonella which has not been killed by heat among the elderly is known
or cooking, and puts seniors who have digestive as xerostomia, a condition
disorders or weak immune system at risk of which results in dry mouth
falling ill. resulting from reduced or
2.Raw seafood like mussels, oysters, clams, absent saliva. Elderly with
etc – While raw seafood is filled with vitamins xerostomia have difficulty in chewing and
and minerals, it also contains unhealthy germs swallowing and need to avoid crunchy, dry and
and bacteria. Those fond of seafood should try sticky foods.
cooked options such as grilled salmon and other 1)Crunchy foods like roasted chickpeas, al-
cooked fish. monds and other nuts, baked pita or tortilla
3.Raw sprouts like sprouted pulses, alfalfa chips, potato chips, pretzels, chikkis.
sprouts, bean sprouts – Sprouts can be the 2)Dry foods like dry bread, crackers, cookies
breeding ground for many types of bacteria, or cakes that are very dry or that contain nuts,
including salmonella and E.coli. seeds or hard pieces.
4.Raw eggs – Raw eggs can be highly recom- 3)Sticky foods like toffees and caramel.