Page 41 - Seniors Today - Vol1 Issue 3
P. 41
few months garlic pods are formed. It contains 8. Moringa.
sulphur compounds which bring health
benefits, vitamins B6, C, D and B1, selenium,
calcium, phosphorus and iron.
5. Mint.
Can be grown from seed in big pots or in the
garden. The leaves, fruits, flower, seeds and
roots are all medicinal. The fruit (drumsticks)
are commonly consumed as a vegetable, in
It can be made into tea, and soothes the stomach, India as well as other countries, and the leaves
treats bad breath, combats cold and flu, reduces are also very nutritious and anti-oxidant, with
fever, prevents nausea, improves mental aware- the ability to reduce blood sugar, inflammation
ness and reduces stress. and cholesterol. It is a wonder plant. The leaves
6. Basil. can be cooked similar to methi leaves. The leaf
powder (one tsp at a time) can also be consumed
in soups and smoothies.
9. Green chillies.
Can easily be grown from seeds. It tackles
stress, has anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory
properties, is a good source of manganese, and Can easily be grown from seeds. Rich in vit A,
promotes blood flow. It contains vitamin A they can improve vision among people of all
which helps in healthy eyesight. It can be eaten ages and is good for heart disorder. Chillies
raw, in salads, or made into tea. contain vitamin C and minerals including
7. Lemon grass. potassium, manganese, iron and magnesium.
They can control heart rate and blood sugar, and
are rich in dietary fibre which is important for a
healthy digestive system.
10. Anjeer (Fig).
Its tea is very relaxing. It helps in lowering It can grow in a big pot, or on terraces or
cholesterol, prevents infections, boosts oral gardens. Eating the fresh figs can help cure
health, relieves pain, relieves bloating and can shaking of hands These days you can get a
boost red blood cells. hybrid variety of fig which does well in pots.
SENIORS TODAY | Volume 1 | Issue 3