Page 22 - Seniors Today Magazine April 2024
P. 22
Mind Matters
Inner Reflections:
Healthy Boundaries
Daring to set boundaries is about having the courage to love ourselves even
when we risk disappointing others, writes Dr Monika M. Dass
What are Healthy Boundaries? • Give you a sense of empowerment and
You might hear the word “boundaries” self-respect.
and imagine walls that separate you from • Ensure your physical and emotional
other people. In a sense, that is true. But comfort.
boundaries are not necessarily a bad thing. • Clarify individual responsibilities in a
In fact, they are an important ingredient relationship.
in healthy, balanced relationships. They • Separate your wants, needs, thoughts,
are also a crucial part of maintaining your and feelings from those of others.
identity, mental health, and physical well- Without healthy boundaries, your
being. relationships can become toxic and
Boundaries can include restrictions unsatisfying, and your well-being can
on physical actions, such as asking a suffer. You might feel taken advantage
roommate or partner not to look through of if a friend keeps asking for money, for
your phone or not to interrupt when you example, or feel overwhelmed by stress
are working from home. They can also be if you feel the need to solve all of your
psychological, such as asking your spouse partner’s emotional problems. Or if a
to accept that your goals and dreams may parent continually invades your privacy,
not always be the same as theirs. you will likely feel resentful. Similarly, if
you continually ignore another person’s
Healthy boundaries serve to: boundaries, you risk making them
• Encourage autonomy and feel uncomfortable and damaging the
reduce codependent habits. relationship.
• Set expectations when interacting with Learning how to set and maintain
others. boundaries can change many aspects of