Page 25 - Seniors Today Magazine April 2024
P. 25

spoiled food even more dangerous during
                                                            the summer. Always check for signs of
                                                            spoilage before consuming any food.

         3. Caffeinated Beverages:  Drinks like
         coffee, tea, and sodas contain caffeine,
         which is a diuretic and can contribute
         to dehydration. Try cutting back on the
         cold coffees and instead, opt for hydrating        6. High-Protein Foods: Proteins are
         beverages like coconut water, buttermilk, or       difficult to digest and can generate more
         nimbu pani.                                        metabolic heat, making the body feel hotter.
                                                            Limit your intake of high-protein foods
                                                            like red meat, eggs, and legumes during the

         4. Raw or Undercooked Meat and
         Seafood:   The risk of food poisoning
         increases during the summer months as              7. Packaged and Processed Foods:
         bacteria thrive in warm temperatures.              Many packaged and processed foods
         Consuming raw or undercooked meat and              contain preservatives, artificial colours,
         seafood can lead to severe gastrointestinal        and additives that can be harmful when
         issues.                                            consumed in excessive amounts, especially
                                                            during the hot summer months.

        5. Stale or Spoiled Food:  High
        temperatures provide an ideal environment          8. Sugary Desserts and Sweets: While
        for bacteria to grow, making stale or              they may seem tempting, sugary desserts

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