Page 24 - Seniorstoday August-2023 Issue
P. 24

them living together in one home under             person. If being around that person just
         one roof. Putting up emotional walls that          feels wrong, it is probably wrong.
         prevent communication and the sharing of
         feelings is a common form of abuse.                8. It Can Happen to Anyone
                                                            While it’s more common for women to be
         6.   ‘You’re Too Sensitive’ is Something           emotionally or mentally abused, it does
         You Hear Frequently                                happen to men, as well. No one is immune,
         Very often, you are told off in an insulting       and it’s also important to remember that
         manner by the child or their spouse and            it doesn’t have to occur only in domestic
         if you complain, you are told that you are         relationships. It can also happen in family
         being too sensitive. Everyone has different        dynamics, friend groups, and situations
         levels of sensitivity, and some people are         with co-workers.
         much more bothered by certain things
         than other people would be. If a child isn’t
         making any effort to understand sensitivity
         levels and would rather accuse and dismiss
         them instead, they might be emotionally or
         mentally abusive. Often, the ‘too sensitive’
         comment will be the go-to phrase anytime
         the parent experiencing the abuse tries to
         discuss how they’re being treated by their
         child. They’re led to believe it’s all in their
         head or, worse yet, it’s all their fault.          What to Do If You’re Experiencing Abuse
                                                            If you feel like you’re being mentally
         7.  You Feel Low around Your Children              or emotionally abused, it’s important
         Sometimes it’s hard to say why a child’s           to consider leaving the situation or the
         energy and influence in life just doesn’t feel     relationship, seek counseling and surround
         good. Things may seem fine on the surface,         yourself with people who are healthy for
         but deep down they really aren’t alright.          your self-esteem and mental health. It’s
         Anyone who’s making a parent or another            also important to be aware that emotional
         person in their life feel small, stupid,           or mental abuse can also be a gateway to
         weak, insecure, or a similar way could be          physical abuse.
         emotionally and mentally abusing that               Emotional and mental abuse can be more
                                                            difficult to recognise than physical abuse, so
                                                            it’s important to know the signs. Remember
                                                            that, regardless of what your abuser has
                                                            led you to believe, you deserve to be treated
                                                            well — and no one deserves to be abused.
                                                            Least of all from your kids who you have
                                                            so lovingly brought up. In such cases,
                                                            spend time out of the house, cultivate other
                                                            hobbies, meditate and make friends with
                                                            others and get your mind off the situation.

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