Page 10 - Seniorstoday February 2024 Issue
P. 10
Point of View
Understanding Gen Z:
Insights from India’s Digital Natives Image courtesy:
It is important to recognise Gen Z’s as the brave young non-conformists
poised to bring transformative changes to the world, writes Harsh Goenka
The landscape of India’s workforce is understand their aspirations, hopes, and
undergoing a dynamic shift, heralded concerns. Our investigation was driven by
by the arrival of Gen Z – a generation a crucial question: “How can we shape a
that redefines the conventional metrics future that resonates with Gen Z’s unique
of success and professional fulfillment. aspirations?”
Our quest to understand what fuels this
vibrant and diverse cohort began with A World Shaped by Technology and
some intriguing responses during our Global Connectivity
recruitment process. Their worldview, Our research unveiled several
approach to life and work challenged our enlightening aspects of Gen Z’s world. This
traditional notions of what we thought generation, having never experienced an
was the typical “normal, successful life” internet-free world, is adept at seamlessly
- studying, getting a steady job, owning navigating between the real and virtual
a home, raising a family, rising up the realms. Their lives are intricately woven
corporate ladder…. “The non-conformists” with technology and social media, enabling
as some of our executives called them a global connectedness unprecedented
became a hot topic of debate internally. in previous generations. The survey also
The fresh perspectives of these young revealed that they predominantly shopped
graduates, aged 18-24 and born between online for electronic gadgets, digital
1997-2012, compelled us to delve deeper. reading material, and clothing.
Intrigued by this paradigm shift, Significantly impacted by the Covid-19
RPG embarked on an unprecedented pandemic, climate change and its
nationwide survey, engaging over 4,000 implications for our planet, Gen Z in
Gen Z individuals across 13 major Indian India has grown amidst the backdrop
cities. Recognising that these young adults of liberalisation, westernisation, and
are not just the future of our company digitalization. This has resulted in a
but of the nation itself, we sought to plethora of choices and a culture of instant