Page 14 - Seniorstoday February 2024 Issue
P. 14

formation—and it sounds a warning for              is where our magic lies.” He adds, “She’s
         the idea that couples mistakenly think that        hyper and I am calm. She is practical and
         they can change each other over time.              I go where life takes me. Her madness, my
          There are plenty of reasons why it                calmness— all put together is just fine. I
         may seem like opposites attract. Superficial       think that’s what works for us; it’s exciting
         differences may mistakenly allow for               and we love it!”
         people to appear more opposed than they            Bahns says, “We know that people pick
         actually are. A “tech guy” and “an artist”,        similar people at first, but if you go out of
         for example, may look like an antithetical         your way you can find excellent friends,
         couple, – but “their core values, whether          and meaningful relationships, with people
         that’s around family or political views,”          who are different.”
         would likely be similar.                           Such dissimilar friends didn’t necessarily
          Another viewpoint suggests though                 blend their points-of-view over time, her
         the introvert and the extrovert may be             study showed. “Anything that disrupts the
         differing personality types; they find             harmony of the relationship—such as areas
         mutual attraction and long-term success            of disagreement, especially on attitudes,
         because their fundamental life goals align.        values, or preferences that are important—
          The above research by American                    is likely to persist,” said Bahns. She added
         psychologists is based on socio-cultural           this could be a “cautionary message” for
         values in the US, but holds its weight in          those who think they can change their
         India as well. Whether back in our day,            friends or romantic partners: “Change is
         or currently, a majority of Indian couples         difficult and unlikely; it’s easier to select
         too, bank on the similarity and agreement          people who are compatible with your needs
         in many fundamental aspects of life (caste,        and goals from the beginning.”
         social status, education, belief to mention a
         few), when it comes to choosing a partner.
          Are couple with opposing views doomed?
         This isn’t an aim to broadly paint a dismal
         picture that people with polarised values
         and views won’t find success together;
         it happens, of course, and there can
         be benefits to disagreement – or even
         fundamental opposition – in couples.
         The psychology of humans greatly differs
         and relationships and marriages are
         known to thrive against all norms and
          Actors Arshad Warsi and Maria Goretti             Dating apps encourage seeking similar
         swear on their differences that have kept          partners 
         their bond strong through twenty five              Today, the online networks and sites
         years of marriage. “Maria and I are poles          many people use to find friends, dates and,
         apart,” Warsi told the Bombay Times. We            ultimately, love are all nudging us towards
         are completely different people and this           people who seem to think similarly to us.

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