Page 11 - Seniorstoday February 2024 Issue
P. 11
gratification. However, they face the and the constant need to climb the ladder
challenge of lacking role models who can of “economic” success. Over 40 % of
guide them in this new era dominated by those surveyed expressed the need for
rapidly evolving technology and escalating recreational activities such as music or
humanitarian, socio-economic crises. sports, while approximately 30%, across
Especially as the older generations have both sexes, acknowledged emotional
a comparatively more status quo-ist, tech expression including weeping, as coping
un-savvy and risk-averse mindset. mechanisms.
In the workplace, Gen Z seeks
Diverse Societal Values and Perspectives environments that align with their values:
Gen Z stands out as the most ethnically ethical practices, empathy and inclusivity,
diverse generation, reflecting a true They were inclined to work in companies
amalgam of varied Indian cultures. This that provided mental health support. A
diversity has heightened their awareness striking 61% indicated they would accept
of societal inequalities, driving them lower pay for an equitable work culture
towards social justice, environmental that valued collaboration, dialogue and
activism, and inclusivity. Contrary to the inclusivity.
perception of self-absorption commonly
attributed to youth, our findings show that Redefining Success and Workplace
Gen Z is deeply empathetic and committed Dynamics
to sustainable practices and collectively This generation redefines success,
resolving global issues. emphasizing travel, art, and experiential
Their approach is to build a conscious living over material acquisitions. They are
community committed to ensuring a willing to forego traditional employment if
sustainable planet. They also believe in it conflicts with their values, underscoring
the importance of dialogue in resolving their commitment to ethical conduct and
conflicts. They value individual expression continuous learning.
and are open to diverse viewpoints.
Interestingly, they view happiness not Implications for the Future
just as an emotion but as a skill that can be The insights from this survey offer a new
cultivated. framework for engaging with Gen Z. Their
Navigating Stress and Embracing entry into the workforce signals a pivotal
Community moment for organisations to adapt and
Faced with unique challenges like AI- evolve, ensuring that the aspirations and
driven job markets and environmental values of this dynamic generation are not
crises, Gen Z’s approach to stress is just understood but integrated into our
markedly different from previous collective future. Their idealism, pursuit of
generations. They place significant purpose, and emphasis on values beyond
importance on work-life balance, wealth creation necessitate a reevaluation
preferring experiential richness over of societal norms and attitudes. I think it is
materialistic gains. A large number of important to recognise Gen Z’s as the brave
them felt the need to move away from the young non-conformists poised to bring
poisonous climate of immense competition transformative changes to the world.