Page 13 - Seniorstoday February 2024 Issue
P. 13

and hobbies, despite having different              social influence). Arguably, Winch’s study
         personalities.  Matchmaking in India               was based on American culture in the
         reiterates the concept of similar coupling;        1950’s assuming that most couples married
         choosing identical caste, community,               for love.
         religion, traditions, tick mark the priority        Close on the heels of Winch’s research,
         requirements before taking a further step          another US-based social psychology
         to shortlist prospects.                            researcher, Donn Byrne, challenged this
          Opposites repel – particularly                    “opposites attract” hypothesis. In his own
         around views and values – that’s what              paper. Byrne hypothesised that “a stranger
         scientific evidence has proved. And, in            who is known to have attitudes similar to
         an increasingly polarised social, political        those of the subject is better liked than a
         and cultural climate in countries across           stranger with attitudes dissimilar to those
         the world, it’s possible that we’re even less      of the subject [and] is judged to be more
         likely to fall for, or be seriously committed      intelligent, better informed, more moral,
         to, and oftentimes befriend someone who            and better adjusted.”
         thinks very differently to us.                      In her latest study, Angel Bahns, associate
          Factors like social media and dating              psychology professor at Wellesley College,
         apps indicate it’s becoming significantly          US who has spent years studying and
         easier for daters to jump into ‘boxes’ of          identifying the factors that influence
         like-minded others, leaving the idea of            friendship and relationship choices
         ‘opposites attract’ more outdated than ever.       indicates —“There’s been really strong,
                                                            widespread evidence for similarity
                                                              She observed that similarity in couples
                                                            was statistically very significant on
                                                            “86% of variables measured”, including
                                                            attitudes, values, recreational activities
                                                            and substance use. More specifically, pairs
                                                            of friends and romantic partners matched
         How did “opposites attract” originate in           closely on daily living attitudes regarding
         our relationships?                                 LBGQT rights marriage, the government’s
         It’s difficult to exactly pinpoint the origin      diktat over citizens’ lives and the
         of the saying ‘opposites attract’, but             importance of religion, to name just a few.
         American sociologist Robert F Winch                Bahn’s study could lead to a fundamental
         suggested it back in 1954, in his thesis           change in understanding relationship
         published by the American Sociological
         Review. His research, “The Theory Of
         Complementary Needs In Mate Selection”
         – was rooted in the idea that people sought
         out partners who had certain qualities
         they lacked (like the introvert choosing
         the extrovert, perhaps as a way for the
         introvert to benefit from the extrovert’s

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