Page 24 - Seniorstoday July 2024 Issue
P. 24
plane; anything that would lead to injury, celebrations.
landing me in bed preventing me from Another exciting travel adventure is
doing all the things on my list. to travel the world picking a theme. For
I decided to focus on the two things I example, for the longest time I have been
love most- reading and travel. Now I read thinking of traveling to places that make
a lot of history, art and design, food, serial Ikat fabric. I can follow a trail starting
killers, philosophy, psychology, political in the south of India to Odisha to Laos,
thrillers, but have always stayed clear Indonesia up to Japan and Uzbekistan.
of science fiction and fantasy. (I don’t I can take a deep dive into the history
know why since I loved reading Lord of of Ikat in each region, understanding
The Rings). Diving into science fiction its origins, evolution, and cultural
and fantasy can offer some fascinating significance, connecting with artisans
and mind-expanding experiences. They by reaching out to local cooperatives,
are full of fresh paradigm shifting ideas museums, and individual artisans and
- that take us out of habitual patterns of participating in workshops or watch
thought and transplant us in fantastic and demonstrations to see the dyeing and
unimagined worlds. And what stories one weaving process in action.
can weave to tell the grandchildren… Keeping a journal or blog about my
experiences, noting the architectural
details, spiritual atmosphere, and local
stories around the temples will be an
enriching experience. Capturing my ikat
journey on camera, experiences in a diary
and sharing them through social media,
blogs, or even a documentary film will
fill many an hour with joy and happy
Durga Temple - Varanasi
And why not solo travel to a never before
I travel a lot and often. But even in new place? Travelling alone makes time flow
places there is a certain kind of sameness. in a different way; one tends to look at
So, to satisfy my wanderlust and desire experiences through a creative lens. There
for new experiences, I plan to take a leaf is something novel that makes us look at
out of my cousin’s book, who visited sixty life, “with glittering eyes” and think in
temples for his sixtieth birthday. I added fresh ways; something that makes us feel
to my list, visits to at least thirty temples completely differently.
in maybe a year, and to make it more While eating another variety of a rare
interesting, and deeply immersive I plan mushroom in the ‘it’ restaurant does not
to go to only Devi temples, learn about constitute an adventure, I love food, both
the unique legends, rituals, and cultural homely and comfort foods, as well as
significance associated with each temple. the exotic. Maybe I can beg a chef friend
Maybe try and time my visits to coincide to let me be a fly on the wall (not the
with local festivals and special events most apt way of describing my presence
at the temples to witness the vibrant in this context) in her kitchen. I can