Page 26 - Seniorstoday July 2024 Issue
P. 26

to that trip with friends, to an adventure        meditating put us in a state where our
         when it presents itself. We can’t live an         body and mind are consciously relaxed
         exciting life if we keep saying ‘no’.             and focused. And therefore, create more
          When we shake up the routine a bit, it           space within us to fill our lives with the
         makes us see things differently. Why not          new, the exciting and the little scary.
         be a tourist in our town, and discover            Vipassana scares me. Being in silence
         interesting local hot spots - a local place of    for days, without the crutch of books is a
         worship, a new neighbourhood with little          daunting prospect and I resolve to try it!
         lanes that meander into undiscovered               In our bustling, often bewildering world,
         spots, explore those small unpretentious          we find comfort in the light-hearted yet
         never- eaten- in restaurants? Wonder and          deep wisdom of those who’ve explored
         wander!                                           life’s mysteries.
          Listen to different genres of music.              “Meditation: Because some answers can
         Even if we don’t always understand, try           only be found on the inner net.”
         listening to new and interesting music,            I love this clever and funny meditation
         the new pop and rock, Taylor Swift, and           quote. With every encyclopaedia and
         Coldplay. This has the added advantage            dictionary just a Google search away,
         of engaging with grandchildren over               it’s important to remember that the most
         something they love. We can be ‘cool’             significant answers can only be found
         grandparents.                                     within.
          Let’s celebrate our eccentricities, our           Dare to live the life you’ve always
         creative fantasies, do something out of its       wanted; dare to explore the near and the
         regular order so we can live our life and         far and the in between; dare to explore the
         forget our age. As Cher said, “We live in a       inner world of the self and outer world
         youth-obsessed culture that is constantly         of people and places. As Ansel Adams,
         trying to tell us that if we are not young,       that great photographer said, “In wisdom
         and we’re not glowing, and we’re not              gathered over time I have found that every
         hot, that we don’t matter. I refuse to let a      experience is a form of exploration.” Step
         system or a culture or a distorted view of        into the unknown, allow the unexpected
         reality tell me that I don’t matter. I know       to happen, live unhindered by fear and
         that only by owning who and what you              self-imposed limitations, and be fearless
         are can you start to step into the fullness       in the pursuit of “what sets your soul on
         of life. Some guy said to me: ‘Don’t you          fire” Forget the rules, and just do whatever
         think you’re too old to sing and rock n’          makes you happy. Life is for living, so live it
         roll?’ I said: ‘You’d better check with Mick      loud and proud. Just be sure you don’t hurt
         Jagger’.”                                         yourself or anyone else in the process. As
          To be peaceful, full of joy and not letting      the wise writer Emile Zola said, “If you ask
         the daily irritations of life trouble and         me what I came into this life to do, I will tell
         unsettle us, we need to develop a spiritual       you: I came to live out loud.”
         connection with something greater than             “Forget your voice, sing!
         ourselves. It can be a search for meaning,           Forget your feet, dance!
         a higher purpose in life, connection to              Forget your life, live!
         humanity and nature. Chanting, praying,              Forget yourself and be!”

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