Page 25 - Seniorstoday July 2024 Issue
P. 25

squeeze unobtrusively in a corner, out             and very, very enjoyable.
         of the way of flying liquids and hot fiery          And what about the small everyday
         words and watch what really happens                things that I can do to spice up my life?
         in these hallowed spaces. If I am lucky, I          Well, expand the shores of my interests.
         may be allowed to do easy non-intrusive            With a little introspection and large
         tasks like picking a perfectly cut parsley         helpings of courage, I resolved to
         with tweezers and placing it gently on             think outside the box, be unique, “put
         cucumber foam. The stories from such               something silly in the world that ain’t
         an environment would undoubtedly be                been there before’’- write the book, learn
         fascinating, filled with both the challenges       that song, discover painting, calligraphy,
         and triumphs of high-pressure cooking              crochet, making fabric collage, photoshop,
         culinary creation.                                 French….  learn new things, work with
                                                            my hands - all of them stress busters and
                                                            brain boosters. Learning is one thing that
                                                            really induces the most joy in people.

                                                                                                              Travel &

          I love animals and have always wanted
         to work with them (there was a time,
         when as a child, I would toy with the idea
         of becoming a vet or work in a zoo). Of             John Medina discovered that the
         course, like many childhood dreams they            brain has a very short attention span.
         sank to the bottom of my subconscious,             Our brains are attracted to intriguing,
         but never truly disappeared. But dreams            interesting, engaging people, and things.
         have a habit of showing up at the most             When we are interested, we are more
         unlikely times with the potential to               interesting.  Because our cell phones bring
         be fulfilled. Especially when we keep              everything from around the world to us,
         exploring and letting curiosity direct             we no longer feel the need to leave the
         the journey. And thus, I decided to                house. After a while, staring at a screen
         learn to become an animal whisperer,               becomes boring. So, let’s design a life that
         someone who has the ability or has                 we are inspired to live and do things that
         learned to communicate with animals on             fly in the face of the “daily tyranny of the
         a deeper level, often understanding their          dull.” Disrupt our routines, get out of the
         behaviours, emotions, and needs in ways            rut and revitalise our life.
         that others might not. Animal whisperers             Instead of focusing on ourselves, let’s’
         work with a variety of animals, including          think of ways to make people have
         pets, farm animals, and wildlife, helping          more fun around us. Nothing is more
         to improve their behaviour, health, and            contagious than laughter and good
         well-being. This is a shamanic journey,            humour.  So let us break a few rules and
         an ancient art that is supposed to be              laugh at ourselves. Do things that will be
         “insightful, empowering and humbling”              enjoyed by a group of friends.  Say yes

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #61 | JULY 2024                                                               25
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