Page 28 - Seniorstoday July 2024 Issue
P. 28

Vijay Merchant and Vijay Hazare were the           Mansur Ali Khan ‘Tiger’ Pataudi and
         two outstanding Indian batsmen at the time        Chandu Borde  played together for almost
         when India became independent. Though             a decade, through the 1960s. For most of
         they didn’t play many matches together for        this period, Pataudi also captained India,
         India, they were the pillars on which India’s     with Borde, a few years older in age, as his
         batting heft is structured.                       deputy.
          Merchant was the epitome of technical              Pataudi was made captain mid-way
         virtuosity, and widely regarded as                through the series against the West Indies
         the founder of the Bombay School of               when Nari Contractor was hit on the head
         batsmanship which merits a thesis. The            by a Charlie Griffith bouncer that almost
         `khadoos’ mindset of Bombay cricketers            killed him. He was only 22, and became
         emerges from Merchant’s approach to the           the youngest man (then) in cricket history
         game: tough and uncompromising, putting           to lead his country. Pataudi’s status as a
         a premium on his wicket at all times. Vijay       Nawab is believed to have been a strong
         Manjrekar, Polly Umrigar, Dilip Sardesai,         factor in him being chosen over senior
         Sunil Gavaskar, Dilip Vengsarkar, Sachin          players like Polly Umrigar, Chandu Borde
         Tendulkar and Rohit Sharma are notable            and Dilip Sardesai. But another school
         names who carried Merchant’s legacy               of thought argues that Pataudi’s choice
         forward.                                          was dictated by the need to stamp out
          Unlike Merchant, who came from a                 parochialism, factionalism and favouritism
         renowned business family which gave               that had been growing alarmingly in Indian
         him the luxury of even having a personal          cricket.
         coach in his formative years, Hazare,               Pataudi became one of the most influential
         who played for Baroda, came from a more           figures in Indian cricket, and a heroic
         egalitarian background. Mild-mannered             figure in the history of sport. A car accident
         and soft-spoken, Hazare was sublime               in England when he was barely past 20
         in his batting and lifestyle,  but no less        robbed him of 95 per cent of vision in
         ambitious in chasing  excellence. Hazare’s        one eye. Such a serious handicap would
         rivalry with Merchant in the Ranji Trophy         logically make it impossible for anyone to
         is part of cricket folklore. But Hazare’s         play at the highest level. Pataudi not only
         biggest renown comes from independent             did that, but excelled to an astonishing
         India’s first-ever Test series – against Don      degree. His stats are not overwhelming:
         Bradman’s Invincibles – in which he scored        less than 3000 runs with six centuries. But
         a century in each innings of the Test at          till age, and more particularly, worsening
         Adelaide.                                         eyesight which impacted his reflexes, his
                                                           record was impressive.
                                                             The car accident stymied his development
                                                           into a batting goliath but Pataudi’s dashing,
                                                           aggressive approach, brilliant fielding and
                                                           radical captaincy put Indian cricket on the
                                                           road to ascendancy. He was a charismatic
                                                           personality and drew crowds wherever he

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