Page 30 - Seniorstoday July 2024 Issue
P. 30

over half a century. Both were also part of
         Ajit Wadekar’s team that also beat England
         a few months later in what is now recalled
         as the Renaissance of Indian cricket.
          The duo dominated the decade with their
         prolific run-getting all over the world.
          Both short statured (at 5’5” Gavaskar
         was an inch taller), both were technically
         supreme, but a study in contrast  in their
         approach in the middle. Vishwanath,                 In many ways, Mohamed Azharuddin
         batting in the middle order, was the more          and Sachin Tendulkar picked up the baton
         aggressive, wristy and stylish, and brought        from Vishwanath and Gavaskar. Azharo,
         flair and flourish to the team. Gavaskar,          tall, willowy was a stylist from Hyderabad
         who opened the innings, was the more               whose sweet timing and wristy strokes on
         determined, putting a heavy cost to his            both sides of the wicket gave batsmanship,
         wicket, giving Indian cricket spine and            not just in India but the world, a delectable
         steel.                                             flavour. Tendulkar, who set a world record
          Between them, they raised the bar for             as a schoolboy, was a prodigy who not
         batsmanship in Indian cricket to new               only lived up to expectations, but exceeded
         heights. It remains an irony that while both       them in a magnificent career that lasted a
         scored heavily, they did not share too many        whopping 24 years and culminated with
         substantial partnerships. But when they            most batting records in the game in Tests as
         did, as in the record run chase against West       well as one-day Internationals.
         Indies in 1976, both making centuries, they         Azhar began his career with a bang in
         created magic.                                     1984-85 against David Gower’s England
          Along their cricket journey together, they        team, scoring centuries in each of his first
         also forged a family bond, Vishwanath              three Tests. In a career extending to more
         marrying Gavaskar’s youngest sister                than 15 years, Azhar won accolades and
         Kavita.                                            fans all over the world with his exquisite
          Vishwanath’s  ended in 1983. He                   batting which was always a visual delight.
         perhaps made fewer runs and centuries              Gavaskar who was his captain in his debut
         than expected, but he made them in                 series, and also when India won the World
         unforgettable style. Moreover, India never         Championship of Cricket in Australia in
         lost a Test in which he scored a hundred.          1985 where Azhar played a crucial hand,
          Gavaskar’s career continued till 1987,            called him `God’s Gift To Indian Cricket’.
         and he finishes as a Goliath of the game,           Tendulkar, who made his debut as a
         finishing with the highest run aggregate           callow 16-year-old in 1989 against Pakistan
         and most centuries. Between them, these            under Azhar’s captaincy, was to become
         two Little Masters, in their own distinctive       talisman of the Indian team, and the
         way, had become the benchmarks                     most compelling player In the world. His
         of supreme batsmanship for future                  technical virtuosity was akin to Gavaskar’s,
         generations of Indian cricketers.                  but he also had a streak of Viv Richards’s
                                                            aggressive stroke play in him., making him

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