Page 22 - Seniorstoday March 2022 Issue
P. 22

phone - ear phones-charger (optional)              arms wrist and both thighs) it feels like a
                                                            mix of cold, a little burning cum stinging
         Emotionally                                        sensation for just a few seconds and finally
         keep the deep breathing exercises going            tape your arm down to immobilize it for the
         happy thoughts that ‘this too shall pass’          procedure. (mine was done through the arm)
         force a smile, it automatically relaxes the        Once you are hooked up, your stretcher is
         body                                               adjusted for the camera and you are all set.
         carry some inspirational reading
         if you have your phone, nothing like music         TIPS
         to soothe the soul.                                -Tell the nurse if your veins are fine before
                                                            inserting the intravenous (IV) infusion set,
         What is an angiogram?                              make sure it is taped to the wrist name band
         An angiogram is the injecting of a contrast        (less tape on the skin the better) this way it
         dye into the coronary artery to identify           cannot be pulled or tugged accidentally.
         blockages caused by plaque by taking               -When moving from one stretcher to the
         X-rays, pictures of the heart from various         other, bend your knees, put pressure on
         angles.                                            your feet and lift your butt, it will help the
          The entire procedure from start to finish         staff slide you with ease.
         takes about fifteen minutes.                       -Lay your arms flat beside you in a
          You will be wheeled in on a stretcher and         comfortable position, they will stay in this
         transferred to the X-ray table and hooked          locked position for a couple of hours, leave a
         up to a heart monitor, and an intravenous          gap between your arm and armpit and rest
         (IV) infusion set on one arm, the butterfly        your wrist on the table. It is very important
         IV needle, a device used to gain access to the     to take time to position yourself comfortably
         vein to draw or inject multiple medication         before they tape your arms down. A locked
         through one access point. Here you will have       shoulder is unnecessary added pain, that too
         the glucose drip, painkillers or sedation          excruciating pain.
         injected through the (butterfly) winged             The anesthetist will introduce herself
         infusion set.                                      and tell you what to expect and the cardiac
          They then prepare two or three sites as           surgeon will tell you what to expect too.
         access points to the arteries by sterilization      So you will be aware of all the hustle
         and numbing of the sites, (usually the other       and bustle around you, the moving of the
                                                            X-ray machine above you, and the odours
                                                            of hospital solutions and the professionals
                                                            chatting. You have the option of just
                                                            shutting your eyes, and zoning into a
                                                            meditative state of mind, put a smile on your
                                                            face, it actually reduces the tension, say a
                                                            prayer not for yourself but for the doctor, the
                                                            medical staff around you that they may act
                                                            in unison for the procedure, with precision
                                                            and perfection. Frankly, it’s really not your
                                                            business to be part of the nitty gritties of the

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