Page 23 - Seniorstoday March 2022 Issue
P. 23
procedure, so don’t add to your stress and ANGIOPLASTY
zone out is my fervent request, especially
for the faint hearted. This is the best advice I
could give you.
Let the doctors take charge
Once the prep is complete, each member of
the team calls out ‘Ready’ to make sure all
are on the same page.
You will be sedated, the anesthetist at
this point will numb the area and begin the
inserting of a thin tube catheter and straw,
you will feel some mild discomfort as a
balloon is inflated to stretch the artery and
a little bit of medication injected, to keep the
artery from clamping down when injecting
the contrast.
The TV monitor directs the surgeon to get
the catheter to reach right into the heart, The steps that involve an angioplasty are —
then the fluid (contrast dye) is inserted to Placement of the catheter
show up clearly on the X-ray Inflation of balloon to open blocked artery
monitor where and how the blood is Inserting stent
flowing in the arteries, and all parameters Removal of catheter
are viewed and photos of the arteries of the If it is immediately followed by an
heart at different angles are taken. angiogram, the first two steps are already in
Your doctor will then command you to place, which makes the procedure half the
take a deep breath, hold it, till he asks you to duration.
release, and breathe normally. The procedure is usually done under
This happens twice. sedation and local anesthesia.
Angiogram done! It can take between thirty minutes to two
Once the angiogram is done, the pictures hours.
are closely viewed and the decision of minor The catheter is inserted in the artery and a
blockages, major blockages, angioplasty to tiny wire is threaded to the blocked artery
insert stents or a bypass are made on the with the help of X-ray imaging. This serves
spot, reported to next of kin for approval and as a guide for the balloon catheter.
onward to the next step. The balloon catheter presses the plaque
Why it is a better option to go through the against the artery wall and opens the
arm versus the groin for the procedure? blockage for inserting the stent. (A tiny tube
There are two methods of conducting an made of fine wire mesh, which keeps the
angioplasty through the artery in the wrist artery open)
or through the groin. If you are given the The stent once fixed to the artery wall
choice, always opt for the arm, the healing, usually does not ever move.
recovery, pain and mobility is easier to deal Once the green signal is on —‘ready’ all
with post procedure in every which way. concentration is on the surgeon. A puncture