Page 24 - Seniorstoday March 2022 Issue
P. 24

in the wrist and inserting of catheter is          ‘Ready sir’
         already in place; a six-inch needle is gently      ‘Shoot’
         pierced into your artery, for which you will       ‘Excellent’
         only feel a slight prick.                           ‘Now do you see this, it’s a bend, no
                                                            problem, the wire will find its way, a little
         REMEMBER—do not look at anything that              difficult, but it’s ok, let’s go’
         is going on, surrendering to the unknown is        ‘Go to 14-15-16’
         the best way out.                                  ‘Ready for shoot’
                                                            ‘Ready sir’
                                                            ‘Ready sir’
                                                            ‘Do you see how it found the way, it’s all
                                                             ‘Almost done, check, show 1C, move left,
                                                            up, a bit down’
         This image is a representation
                                                            ‘All clear’
         The sharp, loud crystal clear commands of          ‘Done.’
         the surgeon, will give you a feeling of calm       ‘Ok Vinita, all done, all successful, they
         and confidence.                                    will now remove the catheter, stay still, you
         ‘Ready’                                            will feel a pulling sensation, just take deep
         ‘Let’s start’                                      breaths and relax.’
         ‘Show me down’                                      This is the only part that caused pain, as
         ‘That’s excellent’                                 they pull out the catheter, centimeter by
         ‘What is your name?’                               centimeter you feel a pulling sensation it
         ‘Akash’                                            has to be done really slowly with multiple
         ‘Nobody has shown me down this perfectly,          breaks to prevent the artery from going into
         I am pleased with you.’                            a spasm, though it takes no more than two
         (the showing of the heart from different           minutes in all, it feels like eternity.
         angles)                                            ‘Four centimeters to go, now three, two and
         ‘Give four tablets’                                it’s done.’
         ‘Vinita start crunching on the tablets,            The incision is padded and taped,
         crunch, crunch and swallow, good’ (sedation        ‘Keep your arm bent and lay it on your chest
         medication)                                        for the next couple of hours.’
         ‘Now give three more, crunch, sip more              Within a few minutes you are on your way
         water, swallow, excellent’                         to a new environment of friendly smiling
         ‘We are sedating you, you will not feel a          nurses welcoming you to the ICU to be
         thing, just close your eyes, you need to do        hooked up 24/7 to monitors.
         nothing, it will be over soon.’                     Remember— you can change the monitor
         (All of this I hear in the background while I      cap from finger to finger, hand to hand to
         keep my eyes shut)                                 feel comfortable.
         ‘Ready for shoot, move I c, 11,12,13,14, go up,     If there is one thing hospital ICUs’ don’t let
         ready for shoot’                                   you do, it’s sleep, always carry along an eye
         ‘Ready sir’                                        mask and ear plugs for some shut eye as day

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