Page 15 - Seniorstoday March 2023
P. 15

viewpoints. Sometimes my husband would             was the confusion and shock. He was so
         subtly attempt to coerce me that his way is        nice. He was so loving. What happened?
         the best way.                                      What did I do to bring this on?
          We sent our daughter to a boarding                 My grown up daughter was a great
         school. I thought it would make her                support and my husband resented her
         independent and keep her out of our                butting into every conversation.
         constant rattle.                                    I was confused about whether or not I
          There was a constant tug of war and I had         was married to an overbearing man who
         to change my opinions and beliefs to match         wanted to control me. Perhaps I have
         his. He would find a way to get nasty if I         wondered if this behavior is a normal
         ignored or dismissed his opinions.                 part of relationship dynamics. Did it
          It seemed to me that I had lost a lot of my       always happen that one of the two spouses
         autonomy?                                          becomes a controlling freak? And is it
          I had to hold back saying what I thought          always the man?
         for the fear of making him angry. I had             We all exhibit controlling behavior from
         to analyse everything I did because I was          time to time, but it’s important to know the
         unsure of myself. He treated me more like a        signs of a controlling husband. There is no
         child or a subordinate than a true partner?        stereotype of a bully.
          I began to believe that I had lost my              Their needs, desires and decisions always
         identity and a sense of self.                      override yours and if you try to argue
          Twenty years into our marriage, our sex           or press your case, you’ll get an ear full.
         life had waned, my daughter came back              They will bully you, pout, try to make
         from boarding school and saw what was              you feel guilty, or refuse to acknowledge
         happening and concluded that my husband            your request. They will make your life so
         was a control freak.                               miserable that you simply give in.
          Control freaks aren’t always the beefed-           Over time, I learned to just go along,
         up tough guys you see in the movies who            which, unfortunately, led my controlling
         yell and scream to get their way. They can         husband to tighten the reins.
         be soft-spoken as my husband was as well            I was criticised constantly. He didn’t like
         as well-educated and amiable extroverts.           what I was wearing or how I spoke. He
         What control freaks have in common is              made “jokes” at my expense. He always
         the need for control and the compulsion            found an error or flaw in my success.
         to exert that control in their intimate            Typically if I had made a good dessert,
         relationships. They have learned to fool           it would be either too sweet or not sweet
         even the smartest, most capable woman,             enough and some fault was found with
         only to reveal their true nature once the          the rest of my cooking. I rarely felt good
         woman is made wife. Post our marriage the          enough around him because there was
         change came slowly, like a low-grade fever         always something to correct, something I
         and turned into a full-blown virus and it          could do better. And if I reacted he would
         happened with such sudden intensity that           say “Why do you have to make such a
         I became a little puppy doing everything he        big deal about it? I’m only trying to help
         said.                                              you.” Over time, I felt unloved and always
          The most difficult part, in the beginning,        lacking.

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