Page 16 - Seniorstoday March 2023
P. 16

it out based on what he wants from me.
                                                             I am completely worn out, the man
                                                            snoops and checks my phone, email and
                                                            believes that I have no right of privacy. He
                                                            is possessive and jealous and constantly
                                                            suspicious of my motives and actions
                                                            and views the most innocent interaction
          My daughter helped me get over my                 as flirting. He won’t admit his fault and
         emotional trauma. My husband feels that            in front of others he behaves as if he is
         she is butting into our life. In the meanwhile     prince charming. He is so out of touch with
         she has finished with her graduation and           emotional intimacy that sex is perfunctory
         has found a job. She is also seeing someone        and just a physical release for him without
         and sooner or later they will get married          any concern for me.
         and I would be all by myself. Deep down             My daughter got married and went away
         I feel my husband terribly resents the fact        to the USA and after that I really couldn’t
         that I am financially self-sufficient and not      take this relationship any more. I asked
         dependent on him. A part of the property of        my friends if I should divorce him, they
         the laboratories was retained by me which          advised me not to. The standard answer
         now has appreciated in value and I could           was why so late in life continue living the
         sell it for a tidy sum.                            way you are. Being by yourself will be
          My husband attaches conditions to love            even more traumatic than staying in the
         and affection.                                     marriage.
          He uses sex as a tool for manipulation.He
         knows I crave love and affection, so he doles       What should I do?

                                           “Grief, I’ve learned, is really just love. It’s all the love you want
                                           to give, but cannot. All the unspent love gathers up in the cor-
                                           ners of your eyes, the lump in your throat, and in the hollow
                                           part of your chest. Grief is just love with no place to go.”
                                           – Jamie Anderson
                                           Psychologists believe writing about grief can reduce pain. Research
                                           has found that putting down one’s thoughts about worries and con-
                                           cerns can help those looking for ways to cope with their grief.
                Share                      While writing requires motivation, energy and dedication, it’s easy,

                 Your                      less stressful and all one needs is a pen, paper, computer or your
                                           device keypad. You don’t have to talk to anyone about it.
                 Grief                     At Seniors Today, we are happy to provide you a forum to publish

                                           your personal accounts. Simply mail them to us at
                                  with Share Your Grief in the subject.
                                           Please also include your name and contact number so that we may
                                           contact you in case we wish to make any clarification. While we
                                           would like you to write the first person account with your name,
                                           we will – needless to say – not disclose your information if you
                                           wouldn’t like us to.

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