Page 18 - Seniorstoday March 2023
P. 18

nature? When Bangalore shattered its local
                                                            loop of dependence by importing water
                                                            from outside, people forgot the importance
                                                            of their local sources of water.
                                                             Yet, as our research has shown, for its
                                                            resilience. The city has grown so large that
                                                            piped water from distant rivers can no
                                                            longer supply all its needs.
         a sports stadium by the 20th century,               Thus resurgent citizen movements
         leaving behind only a tiny pond for                across Bangalore have begun to focus
         ceremonial religious purposes. As long as          on protecting and restoring in their
         lakes and wells supplied water, essential          neighbourhoods, which will also recharge
         for the activities of daily life, they were        the water below ground. In some low
         worshipped as sacred and protected as life-        income settlements, where adequate water
         giving.                                            supply is a constant challenge, community
                                                            wells, once ignored, are now being
                                                            assiduously protected and maintained as
                                                             The same pattern – of an early, close
                                                            relationship with nature, followed by a
                                                            break, and later a resurgent interest in
                                                            the connection – is also playing out when
                                                            it comes to trees. Early residents did not
                                                            only focus on water, but also “greened”
         CANTONMENTS BANGALORE                              this dusty, hot landscape of the dry Deccan
         Furneaux, JH (1895) Glimpses of India. A grand photo-
         graphic history of the Land of Antiquity, the vast Empire   plateau. Successive rulers from the 16th
         of the East. Historical Publishing Company. Philadelphia.   century onwards, and common citizens
         Furneaux, Wikmedia
                                                            planted millions of trees over centuries.
         Rituals celebrating the overflowing of lakes
         during the monsoon by paying homage
         to the lake goddess kept the importance
         of lakes in the forefront of people’s
         imaginations. But once piped water began
         to be provided in the 1890s, these water           The number of lakes in Bangalore increased between
         bodies began to decay. By the end of the           1791 and 1888 then rapidly decreased after piped water
         19th century, wells and lakes began to be          was brought in. Sreerupa Sen, CC BY-NC-ND
         polluted with garbage, sewage, and even           Each settlement was greened with a
         corpses during times of epidemics and             gundathope – a woodlot commonly planted
         disease.                                          with fruiting trees, jackfruit, mango and
                                                           tamarind – which provided shade, fruits,
         Citizens nurturing nature                         firewood for cooking, grazing material for
         What transformed this centuries-long,             cattle, and occasionally timber as well.
         strong relationship between people and            When one tree was chopped down, another

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