Page 20 - Seniorstoday March 2023
P. 20
Ghee Vs. Butter
Are ghee and butter to be written off our daily diet completely or are they
still nutrient rich, asks Dr Nandini Saini
Ghee – called GRITAH in Sanskrit, has proteins and fats found in milk and cream.
long been used in Indian cuisine. We use Though cow’s milk is usually preferred,
it to prepare vegetables and sweets, in dals buffalo or goats milk can also be used.
, on Rotis and rice. Our elders swear by its Ghee – Simply put, it is clarified butter,
medicinal properties; a tbsp. of ghee is the made from milk. It is healthiest when made
solution for a variety of ailments like sore using white butter obtained from cow’s
throat, colds, constipation. milk, churned extensively and heated.
Butter, especially white, unsalted butter Though easily available in market, it can
prepared at home, has also been a part of our also be prepared at home.
diet since long.
Our ancient texts and stories show sages How are they prepared?
using both a part of their diet. Butter – Usually made from full cream milk.
Recent times, however, have had us The milk or cream is churned to separate
rethinking and questioning the goodness the fat globules from the buttermilk. The
of both, as well as turning to other oils fat is then drained, and salt and coloring
for cooking. But are ghee and butter to be added as per requirement. Leaving whole
written off our daily diet completely? milk undisturbed for few hours will have
the cream collect at the top. Commercially,
What are they? centrifugation is used to prepare the butter.
Butter – A dairy product made from Ghee – Heating butter on a high flame