Page 21 - Seniorstoday March 2023
P. 21
removes the water and milk solids, leaving energy. It is known to promote lean body
behind a yellow liquid, which we call ghee mass and increase metabolism, even in
or clarified butter. people who are obese, helping them reduce
Nutritional Info –Below is the nutrition weight. The linoleic acid present in ghee
data for one tablespoon (14 grams) of ghee actively dissolves fat deposits in the body.
and butter, as per research- Ayurveda says rubbing a little ghee, along
with camphor, around the belly button, can
help reduce belly fat.
Heart healthy
A high content of Vit A and D as well as
linoleic acid, makes ghee heart friendly.
Plus, it’s a very good anti-oxidant and helps
in the adequate functioning of the heart
Alternative to lactose products
The entire process of making ghee
eliminates all the milk solids, rendering it
free from lactose and safe for people who are
lactose intolerant.
Both contain nearly 100% of calories from Aids digestion.
fat With A high content of Butyric acid (a short
chain fatty acid), ghee helps in stimulating
the digestive enzymes as well as breaking
down food. It promotes growth of pro biotics
in the gut. It also helps in cooling down the
digestive system, as well as balancing the
levels of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
Keeps you warm from within
Clogged nose / cough
Ghee helps warm you from the inside. It also
has soothing properties, and helps lubricate
Benefits: dry, inflamed throats that cough results in.
Ghee: Ghee is a powerhouse of nutrients Improves eyesight
and healthy fat. It also has large quantities The large quantities of vitamin A present
of fat soluble vitamins, omega 3 fatty acids in ghee help in improving and maintaining
and CLA, and benefits the body in various good eyesight. Traditionally, rubbing the
ways - eyes with ghee daily, can improve vision. It
Combats obesity also helps keep the eyes moist.
Contrary to popular belief, a spoonful of Reduces glycemic index
ghee daily. Can actually help you lose Ghee helps in metabolising blood sugar
weight. as well as balancing sugar levels in the
A rich source of omega 3 fatty acids, ghee blood. Diabetics should add a tsp of ghee to
reduces the size of fat cells, and helps burn their food- it helps control blood sugars by