Page 22 - Seniorstoday November 2022 Issue
P. 22


         Your sleep checklist

         Without enough sleep we all become tall two-year olds. Here’s all you need to know
         about sleep and getting good amounts of it, writes Dr Nandini Saini

         What is sleep?                                     feel groggy and dis oriented.
         Sleep is a state where, for a brief period, our     The body and brain use this time to
         awareness to the external stimuli reduces,         repair muscles, build immunity regenerate
         our body processes slow down.                      tissues.
         What happens during sleep?                          Rem ( rapid eye movement) – In this
         Till recently, it was believed that sleep was      second type, the heart rate and breathing
         just a dormant period, when the body and           become rapid again, it’s not as deep as Non
         the brain rested. We now know differently.         Rem, and is usually the part where you
         The brain and the body are, in fact, very          get dreams. The 1st cycle of REM starts
         busy, repairing tissues and rejuvenating.          about one and a half hour after you sleep,
          Throughout the time we sleep, our brain           and lasts for about 10 minutes. The timing
         goes through cycles of two types of sleep-         increases in consecutive cycles.
         REM and NON REM                                     This sleep is very important, as it
          Non Rem- this is the first type, and in           stimulates the parts of the brain that
         itself consists of four parts- the first part      help in learning. It also promotes protein
         hovers between sleep and wakefulness; if           production.
         woken up in this phase, you might not even         Circadian rhythm
         realize you slept. The second part is light        This rhythm controls your sleep – wake
         sleep, with the heart beat the breathing           cycle over a period of 24 hours. Influenced
         regularizing and slowing down. The third           by light and dark, as well as external
         and fourth part is deep sleep, and it’s            environmental factors, the brain receives
         difficult to wake up; if you do so, you may        and sends out signals that monitor our

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