Page 24 - Seniorstoday November 2022 Issue
P. 24
strain. If you do find this position to your induce better sleep.
liking, use a very thin pillow, or avoid one Eggs
completely. Also choose a firm mattress Eggs by themselves are very rich in
that doesn’t let your body sink into it. tryptophan, and can be a useful tool in
At the end of the day, the best position for inducing sleep.
you is one which lets you get a restful and Lettuce
uninterrupted sleep for a few hours, with Not only does lettuce have sleep inducing
a feeling of freshness in the morning. If properties, it is believed to have a sedative
you’re current position allows you to do like effect, probably due to the lactucorium
so, you do not need to change. If you feel present in it.
there’s room for improvement, try new Barley
ones. Barley is a powerhouse of sleep promoting
compounds, like GABSA, tryptophan,
magnesium and calcium. You can add
barley grass powder to your smoothies and
A rich source of calcium, magnesium and
iron, figs help in improving blood flow
to the body, and in distribution of vital
hormones too.
Sweet potato
Not only are they generally healthy, they
are great sources of calcium, magnesium
and potassium. They can help in lowering
the blood pressure and relax, making them
a good option to have before bedtime.
Foods that help White rice
Fish White rice has a high glycemic index, due to
Fish, especially the fatty kind, is very rich its high carb and low fiber content. Studies
in Vit d and omega 3 fatty acids, both of have shown that foods with a high GI help
which regulate serotonin production. This inducing sleep.
in turn helps manage the sleep cycles. Honey
Research Has found that people eating fatty The glucose present in honey reduces
fish on a regular basis, tend to have better orexin levels, a hormone that causes
sleep patterns than those having other alertness. The sugars present in honey
meats, This has been attributed to the Vit d also help in carrying and distributing
and omega 3 levels in the fish. Tryptophan to the brain.
Turkey Tofu
Turkey has high levels of tryptophan, an Its high protein content, along with
amino acid which helps in the production the calcium and isoflavone, help in the
of the hormone melatonin. It’s also a very production of serotonin, which helps you
rich source of protein, which is supposed to sleep better.