Page 23 - Seniorstoday November 2022 Issue
P. 23

sleeping patterns.                                 pregnancy. In some cases, it can lead to
         How much sleep is healthy?                         lower backache, but this can be corrected
         Though essential at any age, the number            by sleeping with a pillow underneath the
         of hours required varies with age. Infants         concerned area.
         require maximum sleep, around 14 to 17             The Sides – 60% of people find this position
         hours a day, as their body is developing…          more comfortable, especially males.
         from here on, it decreases. Children and           PROS – It’s quite beneficial, as it also
         teens require between 11 to 13 hours of sleep,     provides adequate alignment to the spine,
         while adults need 7 to 9 hours. It decreases       especially with support. It could also reduce
         further as you touch the geriatric age group.      acidity and snoring, so people with reflux
                                                            esophagitis and sleep apnea benefit from
                                                            this position. Pregnant women, too, would
                                                            find this position comfortable.
                                                            CONS – This position can lead to stiffness
                                                            and pain in the shoulders, so if you
                                                            suffer from shoulder pains, avoid or keep
                                                            changing your sleeping position. Having
                                                            your face pressed to the pillo3ws for an
                                                            extended time could also give rise to
                                                            The preferable side – Of the two sides,
                                                            sleeping on the left side is preferable, as it
                                                            may reduce heartburn as well as regularize
                                                            the bowel movement.
         Best position                                      Fetal position – This is a variation of the
         We spend between 6 to 8 hours every                side position, but with the knees pulled up
         day sleeping, and it’s important to be             towards the chest.
         comfortable. Every individual has a                PROS – Pregnant women, especially, find
         different position that’s preferable…on            this position comfortable as it prevents the
         the sides, back etc. There are, obviously,         pressure of the enlarged belly to reach the
         advantages and disadvantages to all the            heart, ensuring adequate blood circulation.
         positions –                                        CONS – it could leave you feeling sore.
         The Back –                                         Also, if you fold your knees too tightly, it
         PROS - Sleeping on the back is probably            could lead to breathing difficulties.
         the best; it aligns your vertebrae, gives          The Stomach – This position is the least
         adequate support to the spine. Sleeping            preferred, though a few people may find it
         on your back in a propped up position              comfortable
         helps relieve nose block and acidity. It also      PROS – It does reduce snoring and sleep
         provides maximum support to the neck,              apnea.
         preventing neck pain.                              CONS – it is responsible for a lot of neck
         CONS – It’s not a favorable position if you        and back stiffness as well as pain, as you
         have sleep apnea, as it can cause airway           cannot support the spine with pillows
         collapse. Also not recommended during              and cushioning. It can also cause muscle

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #41 | NOVEMBER 2022                                                           23
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