Page 25 - Seniorstoday November 2022 Issue
P. 25

Oatmeal                                            Almond or peanut butter is a very good
         Similar to white rice, its high carb and fiber     source of protein, Vit B6, B12 and carbs,
         content give it a high GI, which makes it a        which boost production of melatonin. Nut
         sleep inducing food. Having oatmeal about          butter with toast or crackers makes for a
         an hour before bedtime can help a person           great snack option.
         sleep well.                                        Kiwi
         Kale                                               A small study showed that people
         Besides being a powerhouse of vitamins,            consistently having kiwifruit about an hour
         kale has very high calcium content. The            before bedtime, showed improved sleep
         calcium helps melatonin production by              patterns. This is possibly because kiwi is
         triggering the brain to release tryptophan.        rich in melatonin, magnesium, calcium,
         Popcorn                                            flavonoids and folates, all of which aid good
         A whole grain, popcorn is a house of fiber         sleep. Kiwi is known to be rich in Serotonin,
         and carbs. Carbs help release of tryptophan,       which promotes good sleep. It could also be
         which helps induce sleep.                          due to the Vitamin C and carotenoids, anti-
         Hummus                                             oxidants which help sleep.
         Made of chickpeas, hummus is rich in               Banana
         folate, calcium. Multi vitamins and protein,       Banana peels are very rich in tryptophan,
         all of which help sleep, by producing              while bananas are rich in magnesium, both
         melatonin and serotonin. Hummus is                 of which are known to induce a healthy,
         naturally rich in melatonin too, making it         good sleep. They are also rich in potassium,
         an ideal midnight snack!                           which is essential to a deep sleep.
         Dark chocolate                                     Grapes
         The magnesium present in dark chocolate            Grapes have naturally occurring melatonin,
         helps regulate the circadian rhythms, in           the hormone that is instrumental in setting
         turn controlling your sleep cycles.                the sleep cycle. Make sure you have some
         Almonds                                            twice or thrice a week.
         Almonds are very rich in melatonin, a              Yogurt
         hormone that regulates our circadian               Yogurt, besides being a source of protein,
         rhythm. One ounce of almonds contains
         about 75 gms of magnesium and calcium,
         which also help sleep. Magnesium helps
         induce sleep by reducing inflammation. It
         may also reduce the levels of cortisol, the
         stress hormone. Try including them as a
         small snack mid meals, on a daily basis.
         With a high content of melatonin, walnuts
         are a good addition to your diet. They are
         also good sources of magnesium, folate
         and calcium, all of which can help the sleep
         Nut butter

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #41 | NOVEMBER 2022                                                           25
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